At long last, after so many years, we can embed images. I actually made made my first animated .gif last night in GIMP, for one of my suggestion threads. Having used the new feature a bit now, I have a few points to make:
- I see you've added a shadow around any embedded images. This looks fine for a .jpg, but as you can with my .gif above, it looks awkward when transparency joins the party. I'd suggest simply removing it, given how subtle it is when it works properly.
- Could we get a toggle in our profile to auto-reveal embedded images? This click-to-reveal functionality is, of course, a very good solution to the longstanding issue of profane images on the forums, but I personally find it merely inconvenient, and I'm sure others like me would be willing to put up with the odd image-enhanced spam to save the clicking.
- While I'm here making lists, when do you think you'll enable [ul] and [ol] for non-mods?
Ah, damn....
Soon I'll get it to work.
Seem to have a problem opening it as a new tab (or window... or anything). All greyed out. Never mind, I'll sort it. Maybe.
There we go, sorted. Now my picture truly reflects how I feel about this update.
If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now.
15-Aug-2016 00:48:09
- Last edited on
15-Aug-2016 00:56:18