On a semirelated note: I've been noticing some animosity from the web team towards players for being 'unreasonable' about complaining about updates that are already in the pipeline. This is very unprofessional. Players provide feedback and if that feedback is met with responses like "well, we can't say anything right now, watch this space," there is no reason to make any presumptions from that response.
If you want players to be more receptive of your upcoming updates, you need to share them upfront instead of hide them away.
Being as objective as possible. Our comments are never intended to look or be taken as unprofessional. If we say we can't say anything right now, that's due to the way we work and other parts of the update having restrictions which are out of our control.
Saying, for example, that images on the forums aren't a priority right now but watch this space - is not unprofessional, it just means we cannot currently talk about it as we don't have enough information. Or, we'd like it to be a nice surprise. It is by no means unprofessional to make a "surprise" update in our own time. You can also see how we, as people, developers and staff who genuinely care about the forums feel when we see consistently negative feedback from some individuals - even when we do something players actually ask for and we've been wanting to do for ages. That's for us to manage personally though, and if that leaks to the forums and our responses - is a problem.
Thank you however for the feedback, myself & Mod Allstar will keep that in mind.
As to your actual feature feedback;
Alaz said :
1) I'm sure it would be possible to set up methods to revert the image back to the placeholder. This could be useful for collapsing large images we don't need to look at anymore.
We investigated this. Unfortunately during testing I, and many others, would collapse the image accidentally and it just became frustrating. We wanted to do it, but took the decision not to based on those bad user experiences. If we see a particular demand, maybe we'll look into it.
Alaz said :
2) An option for large images to be scaled down could be useful. There could be a message below the placeholder, something like "this image is very large - would you like to view a scaled down version?"
We provide a scaled down version partly due to the restrictive (ie. not responsive) design of the forums and because we don't want our users to be downloading massive images on mobile accidentally. If you would like to see the full image, you are always free to right-click "Open image in new tab" and you can see it full scale there
Thanks for all your feedback! We appreciate it immensely when provided constructively as most have today.
Mod Lyon
On a semirelated note: I've been noticing some animosity from the web team towards players for being 'unreasonable' about complaining about updates that are already in the pipeline. This is very unprofessional. Players provide feedback and if that feedback is met with responses like "well, we can't say anything right now, watch this space," there is no reason to make any presumptions from that response.
If you want players to be more receptive of your upcoming updates, you need to share them upfront instead of hide them away.
Being as objective as possible. Our comments are never intended to look or be taken as unprofessional. If we say we can't say anything right now, that's due to the way we work and other parts of the update having restrictions which are out of our control.
Saying, for example, that images on the forums aren't a priority right now but watch this space - is not unprofessional, it just means we cannot currently talk about it as we don't have enough information. Or, we'd like it to be a nice surprise. It is by no means unprofessional to make a "surprise" update in our own time. You can also see how we, as people, developers and staff who genuinely care about the forums feel when we see consistently negative feedback from some individuals - even when we do something players actually ask for and we've been wanting to do for ages. That's for us to manage personally though, and if that leaks to the forums and our responses - is a problem.
Thank you however for the feedback, myself & Mod Allstar will keep that in mind.
As to your actual feature feedback;
Alaz said :
1) I'm sure it would be possible to set up methods to revert the image back to the placeholder. This could be useful for collapsing large images we don't need to look at anymore.
We investigated this. Unfortunately during testing I, and many others, would collapse the image accidentally and it just became frustrating. We wanted to do it, but took the decision not to based on those bad user experiences. If we see a particular demand, maybe we'll look into it.
Alaz said :
2) An option for large images to be scaled down could be useful. There could be a message below the placeholder, something like "this image is very large - would you like to view a scaled down version?"
We provide a scaled down version partly due to the restrictive (ie. not responsive) design of the forums and because we don't want our users to be downloading massive images on mobile accidentally. If you would like to see the full image, you are always free to right-click "Open image in new tab" and you can see it full scale there

Thanks for all your feedback! We appreciate it immensely when provided constructively as most have today.
Mod Lyon
Jagex Web Team
Twitter - @JagexLyon
21-Jul-2016 19:25:41 - Last edited on 21-Jul-2016 19:40:22 by Mod Lyon