LGBTQQIAAP is the politically correct umbrella term for anyone identifying as; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally or pansexual, all of which are politically correct themselves.
Yet look at how many are blocked on the forums. These aren't dirty words. I didn't use them maliciously. It is deplorable that these words have been banned from the forums in the fear that an ill-informed, homophobic 14-year old keyboard warrior will use them to discriminate against a minority group. Hiding these words from the forums has a massively deleterious effect on attitudes towards LGBT rights.
Not only this but young, impressionable youths that play RuneScape through their childhood and develop socially using the forums to escape from bullying they may face by others are being mislead to believe they should be hiding their true identity, rather than expressing it.
LGBT campaigners have been battling negative and discriminative attitudes to gay rights for decades, and so much of their work will be undone if in 2015 we cannot use the words these people identify themselves with. I’m not calling for an entire rework of the Throne of Miscellania quest so the player can decide if they want a gay or lesbian marriage or refrain from marriage completely, but if ‘straight’ isn’t banned then ‘gay’ shouldn’t be either, and it is vital that anyone identifying as LGBT should be able to define themselves on the internet just like in real life.
TL;DR: LGBT words banned on forums when straight clearly isn’t = get a grip JaGeX it’s 2015!
17-May-2015 21:07:03