This is going to sound like the epitome of a first world problem, but the "go to last button" is incredibly hard to click on threads with a lot of pages:
Is there a way for you to make the button appear above that little style line that seems to take priority over it?
I can see the problem. Large threads are prone to the issue you describe. The line isn't really the cause. I just removed the line and it didn't help one bit.
Remember after the re-skin there was no navigation to first and last post. It wasn't until after many requests they added them and it didn't happen fast. I actually added my own and they were used for a some time before they got around to providing the very basics of navigation.
Those buttons are just thrown in as an after thought, and the fact they are pseudo elements (javascript can't see them) really doesn't help matters for me. They way they are designed is problematic and linkify cant really interact with them.
I can however destroy them totally, and then replace them with my own lovingly and carefully hand crafted navigation buttons. But I think I'd rather keep their position. However I may do something about those lines (maybe get rid of the ugly things).
Not sure if you remember (or even noticed) the lines I used for Halloween. Something like this, sexy yet subtle, elegant and tasteful, at the same has a presence without being overbearing.
Don't need big dirty, crude, overbaring, ugly lines. Lines are are not meant to be the focus, your eye shouldn't even be drawn to them. And if you eye is drawn to them, they should look nice.
As always I need to look into it a bit deeper, but I don't wish to leave this too long. Big threads maybe the most prone to the issue and there aren't that many huge threads around. But those threads are big because they are popular so I guess this affects many people.
29-Feb-2016 03:02:22
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29-Feb-2016 03:04:46
Indecent Act
I figured it was the lines that cause it due to this (zoomed in to not make you squint, hopefully!):
http://i.imgur.com/iVWJOPw.png compared to http://i.imgur.com/23A5XjS.png
I had completely forgot about the reskin, and no, I hadn't realised that those navigation buttons were not there with the reskin. I also didn't
notice your Halloween lines - however, I didn't notice that they were missing either - so I guess that's sort of noticing that they're there, indirectly? Who knows!
I had just assumed it was that line that was causing the issues (as illustrated above), so I figured it'd be a rather simple fix, however after reading your post, that's not quite the case, so that was my misunderstanding
Indecent Act
But those threads are big because they are popular so I guess this affects many people.
Sorta! But I'm guessing the lounge has a lot more lurkers than we think.
Unslain Bosses - Clan
Sorta! But I'm guessing the lounge has a lot more lurkers than we think.
HLF General Chat Lounge
: 27/02/2016 - 28/02/2016
Over 3000 page views (that includes 770 posts) by Linkify users.
HL General (I really need to stop calling it by it's old name) got around 5000-ish page views in that same time period.
When the lounge approaches a post milestone (100k, 200k posts), the amount of lurkers quadruples.
Incomplete samples are a pain, and I have no way of knowing if the forum behaviour of linkify users differs from those who don't use my extension. But I can't ignore the little info I have and it's often the deciding factor in what updates I work on. Hasn't failed me yet
Body btw
Have a cuppa
Your timing is perfect, thank you <3
29-Feb-2016 03:52:46
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29-Feb-2016 03:57:32
Indecent Act
My linkify doesn't seem to work anymore.
There's no custom colours on posts, i can't click links, images and video links aren't embedded. Don't think I have changed anything either. :C
Mark Antony
My linkify doesn't seem to work anymore.
There's no custom colours on posts, i can't click links, images and video links aren't embedded. Don't think I have changed anything either. :C
Well we better see what we can do about that.
Firstly windows system restore has been know to cause issues with linkify so if you have done a system restore recently that may be the cause. But I'll assume that's not the case here as you think nothing has changed on your end.
The current version of RS Linkify is version
So make sure you have the latest version. If you're not sure about manually updating and/or checking latest version see this image: http://puu.sh/2To9U.png
If that doesn't work I suggest temporally disabling all other extensions, refresh a forum page and see if that makes a difference. If nothing improves see the last resort option below. If it does work, then there is a conflict with another plugin. It will require the process of elimination (enabling them one at time and refreshing forum pages) to find what one is clashing. Once that's known I can then attempt to make them play nicely together.
There is a last resort option if that doesn't fix things and that's removing linkify and re-installing. But that's not ideal since your settings will be set to their defaults. So try the manual update first.
If you have ran system restore recently then a re-install is best way to go.
Let me know how things go, and feel free ask if I haven't explained things well or you're not sure about something. We will get it sorted and we'll try doing it by the easiest means possible
29-Feb-2016 14:02:08
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29-Feb-2016 14:04:03
Indecent Act
Not sure what I'll do with the lines. But something needs to change as seen in Rowley's screenshot. I need to see how my own page navigations buttons go and then take it from there. I'd like to use the ones I used in the Halloween theme as they worked well and they simply can't break anything.
I still haven't looked closely into it yet because I want to redo every single button (including my own) on the entire forums to stop them breaking when browser zoom is not at 100%.
29-Feb-2016 16:20:13
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29-Feb-2016 16:21:03
Indecent Act
What I'd suggest is pretty minor and superficial, since functionality is much more important, but maybe recolouring your Halloween buttons to give them a more saturated yellow to match the current Jagex style. Other than that, they're great!
29-Feb-2016 16:28:47
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29-Feb-2016 16:29:15
They have a sepia filter applied. I agree and I wouldn't do that for the buttons normally. That was just so they didn't clash with my Halloween textures. Without the filter they are the same as the current buttons.