I guess I was off the forums long enough to completely miss anything that was broken, because it's still all the same to me. Just lurking around today..
My Version Info...
RS-Linkify Version:
Chrome Version: 52.0.2743.82
Compiled for: Win32
Language: en-US
OS: Windows NT 10.0; WOW64
I saw this thing and wanted to try it. Are there other commands that you put in?
23-Jul-2016 17:04:27
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23-Jul-2016 17:06:38
Well I've been trying to fix this one problem and I'm fairly sure that linkify isn't the issue, but I gotta ask anyway since nothing else has helped:
See the part-grey, part-purple bars above each subforum group? Obviously, they shouldn't be there.
My linkify version is and I tried disabling it, but the bars still remain; could removing linkify entirely possibly solve it, or is simply disabling it the only way that could possibly help if the issue was with linkify?
(Also Chrome is at the latest version, updating it didn't fix, tried disabling all other extensions, didn't fix, on Firefox works fine but obviously, I wanna use Chrome.)
"Volat Accipiter libera est; venandi sua natura est."
~Accipiter striatus
23-Jul-2016 18:21:23
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23-Jul-2016 18:22:45
Well, if you disabled Linkify and the bars still appear, it's something on your end. When you disable an extension, it stops working altogether. I don't know as much as Indy does but go to Chrome settings and in the search bar, write: hardware acceleration (as shown in the pic below).
Tick that option off if it's on OR tick it on if it's off. It probably won't make a difference, but worth a try
23-Jul-2016 19:23:06
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23-Jul-2016 19:27:14
Tried disabling ALL your extensions in Chrome to see if one of them is causing problems?
Tried clearing your Chrome cache?
If the two above don't work, try uninstalling and reinstalling Chrome entirely.
23-Jul-2016 19:48:21
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23-Jul-2016 19:51:49
I'm sorry if this sounds offensive, but I hate that they've finally added a feature we have wanted for years, and yet, we still have to ask you to rectify it... >_>
Oh well, maybe we can have some 21st century features in another decade or so.
Baby steps!
This is update is a step in the right direction for the forums, a welcomed step at that. Perhaps it will be a precursor to more improvements. I look it more as a positive change as far as the rules go and I'm not really looking too much beyond that.
Ello's Indy! I bring coffee!!
That's what I like to see
Something I've added to my own extension that I'm sure Linkify users would benefit from - drag-and-drop over reply box to upload to imgur. (Then generating the link in the reply box)
Might want to avoid the anonymous upload method though - with so many people using it, you could easily hit the request limit.
HTTPs://i.gyazo.com/c31f1234c62be06ae8feb652d7bfbae7.gif (Awkward gif - took so long to upload image to imgur, it never got to show picture on the page x3)
That's quite a nice idea, I was thinking about having RS Linkify convert all imgur links to the BB code on submit. But that will break image spoilers (something that's used a fair bit here on HLF).
I'll definitely put some more thought into it though, thanks for sharing
24-Jul-2016 01:03:36
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24-Jul-2016 06:35:07
Indecent Act
I saw this thing and wanted to try it. Are there other commands that you put in?
I did have console for RS Linkify that gave the ability to pull a lot more info, but I have removed it as it was overkill for my needs and no one used it anyway.
Old screenie of it...
Nevermind, system restore fixed it
Morgan covered that so I have nothing to add except system restore can break RS Linkify depending on where and when things get restored to.
Anyway it sounds as though you have things sorted out, so that's good