At one point you mentioned about adding a search posts functionality (which might be useful in threads with hidden posts). Here is what I'm currently using in JS and you might be able to do it in a cleaner fashion.
if ( window.location.href.match(/\?\d+,\d+,\d+/) || $( '.forum-group' )[0] || $( '.forum-rules' )[0] || $( '.thread-view' )[0] ) {
var qfcName = $(".thread-view__qfc-number:eq(0)"

.text().replace(/-/g, ","

$('<form action="?' + qfcName + '" method="post" id="postnamefm"><label for="postname" id="postnamelbl">Search posts by <input type="text" id="postname" name="showuser" maxlength="12" class="text" required=""></label></form>').insertBefore('.btnWrap.thread-view__option.thread-view__option--reply > .btn:first-child');

.css({"font-size": "1.3em", "padding": "4px", "width": "110px", "margin": "4px"});

.css({"font-size": "1.2em", "padding": "4px"});

.css({"display": "inline"});
Ryan M