That's nice of you to go to so much trouble to help him out.
I'm not sure how twitter will go. From my point of view it's handy because I don't need anyone's email address. I like the idea of keeping email out of the picture. I'm not going to ask for someone's email and I really don't want anyone's email.
I don't want anyone to feel they have to miss out if they don't have HLF access. I think twitter will better than nothing. I don't even use social media and I wont be looking for followers. If no one ever used it that's fine with me, it's just going to be an option.
Spazmus http://www.indecentcode.com/rslinkify_images/10503.png10503
@Amaethwr & Morgan,
Cool glad that's sorted. I wanted to make it look better not worse.
It was the default background from when you have no avatar that shows on the home page. For some reason that default avatar is different from the others and it has a background.
That's what I mistakenly based my styles on. But I still cant work out why it didn't appear that way for me.
27-Aug-2014 05:20:15