I haven't written anything using PDO, but I know a number of people who swear by it.
From what I understand the way PDO can bind values, in place of using parameters in sql queries is great for protecting against sql injection. I think that's basically what's happening in mySQLi (if used correctly), and why mysql will be all together depreciated. PDO syntax looks a lot friendlier too.
I'm seriously thinking about going with PDO or at least trying it next time I need to play with a DB.
$stmt = mysqli->prepare("SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE user = ?"
$stmt->bind_param("s", trim($_GET['user']));
Then, yeah, you're doing the same thing. It's just more cumbersome.
But if you use parameterized queries (not emulated) you really don't have anything to worry about as long as you're passing the right data type. You should control this using objects.
For example, I had to make a data type for the content of guides, which is an array of hypertext that doesn't contain JavaScript and is limited to certain tags:
public function getContent(){
// Strip uncommonly used tags, remove banned attributes
$contents = $_POST['content'];
foreach($contents as &$content){
if($content === ""
$content = strip_tags(trim($content), "<p><a><img><div><span><table><tr><td><th><h2><h3><h4><blockquote><ul><ol><li>"
$content = stripslashes($content);
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$nodes = $dom->getElementsByTagName('*');
foreach($nodes as $node){
foreach($node->attributes as $attr){
$name = $attr->name;
$value = $attr->value;
case "id": break;
case "style": break;
case "src": break;
case "alt": break;
case "class": break;
case "href":
if(strpos($value, "javascript"
!== false){
$content = $dom->saveXML($dom->documentElement->firstChild);
$content = strip_tags(trim($content), "<p><a><img><div><span><table><tr><td><th><h2><h3><h4><blockquote><ul><ol><li>"
; // I run this again cuz saveXML likes to embed tags and I cbf making a better solution
return $contents;
Basically, I can't even touch the unsafe input. Unfortunately, $_POST is super global, but just make a rule to only touch it
Sweet thanks Meredith, I wasn't 100% sure about what I said with PDO compared to mySQLi, it was more of an assumption based on what I know from using SQLi.
Fortunately all my data is only strings (with known characters and max length), timestamps (too easy) and integers (again has known min and max values). So it's pretty easy to sanitise or reject anything that doesn't belong.
I do tend to overkill with this kind of stuff but that's not always a bad thing.
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In computer programming, a sigil (/ˈsɪdʒəl/ or /ˈsɪɡəl/; plural sigilia or sigils) is a symbol attached to a variable name, showing the variable's datatype or scope, usually a prefix, as in $foo, where $ is the sigil.
Larry Wall adopted shell scripting's use of sigils for his Perl programming language. However, as Perl is a dynamically typed language, the sigils specify not fine-grained data-types like strings and integers, but the more general categories of scalars (using a prefixed "$"
, arrays (using "@"
, hashes (using "%"
, and subroutines (using "&"
In the PHP language, which was largely inspired by Perl, "$" precedes any variable name. Names not prefixed by this are considered constants or functions.