Maybe requires very particular settings in order to work...
Hmmm perceptive, you got that 100% correct. In order to work the option to change reply button needed to be enabled.
This update resolves that, those settings weren't meant to be nested together and was an oversight. Sorry for inconvenience and many thanks to everyone who posted on this issue.
Would this idea work? (As an option in misc settings)
If Jmod post -> Check for non-forum html content in the post (rather than quote button contents, to be sure it's actual html and not mimicing text) -> fix quote button to replace said contents with plain text
Correct me if I'm wrong, (or don't, because I probably wouldn't understand you) but that would only work for Linkify users, right?
So if someone without Linkify quotes a Jmod, it would still have erroneous text. But if it were fixed to recognize and remove the text after the fact, it wouldn't matter if the original quoter had Linkify or not at the time?
Also I just noticed something else. If you use the capital HTTP to "spoiler" an image, you can't left click on the image to open it in a new tab after (making it bigger to read)
Not sure why my mind is going in so many directions at 5 AM, but...
An idea I had for a cute little something to do, is theme your updates page like the RSOF and treat your updates tab as a "patch notes" section... Can break things into graphical, other, etc =p
Not really functional or useful in any way, but just something cute since it's an RSOF extension