Slowly though, I'm working on both my site and RS Linkify. Since the two are interconnected (APIs I've written for RS Linkify are hosted on my site) I'm designing things with the approach to keep things nicely tied together.
Basically changes are in small increments. Update a little on my site, get RS Linkify to work with the changes, then update Linkify, make another small change on my site....and so on.
The idea behind that is so I can give my site a big revamp. Once that's all done and everything is playing nicely with linkify I'll be pushing out some cool updates.
Upcoming updates...
Bookmarks/history and profile features. I have the history, bookmarks stuff working but its not a stage where I'm ready to publish. I might even release it to a small group of people before going fully public. So I can get feedback as its much easier to make changes to unpublished content, this is pretty big and quick fixes may not be a thing, I want to get it right.
Import/export settings will return soon.
Reworking some QFC related stuff and also BB tags (forum code has changed and I need to make adjustments)
Changing embedding routines. RS Linkify uses two approaches when embedding content.
For example..
Images that have file extensions, the embedding begins during page load.
But some things that lack file extensions, RS Linkify waits until the page has loaded then begins work on determining what the content is, then embedding if possible.
However I need to broaden what falls under what rules because there are exceptions. Tweets are slow, yet no file extension issues. I need to do them after page load, currently it's not 100% that way.
Lots of stuff like that, keeping RS Linkify modular is what it's all about. Got many other small updates but I need to get on top of other stuff first. Build on solid foundations kind of thing
Lots of under the hood stuff to make room for nicer features