Body btw
It might be a little on the too-big side
Oh yeah, for sure...that is definitely too huge as it is, if it was ever to be used.
It was just something I thought of and thought I would ask - don't ask don't get.
Sorry for my late reply, been a hectic couple of days.
Okay then, about the thumbs up/down...
Since I already have *
support support
and *
no support no support
It would be very easy to make it so other words point to those icons. I'd prefer to reuse existing assets if possible.
Here's a quick test example I just threw together, it covers a number of possibilities on how the word(s) can be typed. Pretty sure this would catch all and apply the icon.
I love that indy! Perhaps they will accidentally get used more too, or at the very least those looking to use an icon can use a variety of words for the same icon.
Indecent Act
Sorry for my late reply, been a hectic couple of days.
No apologies needed, imo
I hope all is well.
"Why are you posting threads, asking questions and making discussion???"
All I do anymore is fish - 2017
12-May-2016 08:44:53
- Last edited on
12-May-2016 08:46:20
Body btw
I knew that it was most likely that you already had it covered - that is why I wanted to test it first.
I remembered a table of all the emoji/icons that used to be on the setting page prior to the massive change you made a while ago. I knew I had seen it somewhere, but just couldn't remember the syntax.
It was more 'ebcak' error on my end rather than not having the functionality, as I originally suspected.
The catch all solution is very neat indeed, but now that I know what will give me what I want I will be able to make use of it.
If you were to add the variations, it would be appreciated - but as it just seems like work for you to deliver something you have already given us, it is not necessary.
Thanks very much for your reply...and for all you do.
As always....luv ya work!
12-May-2016 11:50:07
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12-May-2016 11:57:35
And yeah regex, for me it's a love/hate relationship, notice the comments in Linkify's code
[code]/* Secure regex, thanks to lots of coffee */
/* any regular expressions not declared here will only be used on the results of these secure ones, thus everything remains secure */
/* actually regex has fried my brain, I don't even know what I'm talking about, or why this even works! */
var urlAll = /\b(https?):\/\/[\-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_'()\|!:,.;\*]*[A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_\|'()\-]/ig,
yTvId = /(?:https?:\/\/)(?:www\.)?(?:youtu\.be\/|youtube\.com(?:\/embed\/|\/v\/|\/watch\?v
twchTv = /^(?!https?:\/\/www\.twitch\.tv\/([A-Z0-9\-\+_]+)(?
redUrl = /https:\/\/\/r\/(runescape|2007scape|RSChronicle)\/comments\/[a-z0-9]{1,8}\/\w+\/[a-z0-9]{1,8}$/,
sndCld = /https:\/\/soundcloud\.com\/[A-Z0-9\-\+_]+\/[A-Z0-9\-\+_]+/i,
urlGiu = /https?:\/\/imgur\.com\/gallery\/([A-Z0-9]+$)/i,
urlAiu = /https?:\/\/imgur\.com\/a\/([A-Z0-9]+$)/i,
urlGyz = /https?:\/\/gyazo\.com\/([A-Z0-9]+$)/i,
urlIur = /https?:\/\/imgur\.com\/([A-Z0-9]+$)/i,
urlTwt = /(?:https:\/\/twitter\.com\/\w+\/status\/)(\d+)/,
urlVne = /https:\/\/vine\.co\/v\/[A-Z0-9]+$/i,
urlVid = /\.(webm|ogv|ogg|mp4|mov|gifv)$/i,
gfyCat = /https?:\/\/gfycats?\.com\/(\w+)/i,
urlVim = /(?:https?:\/\/vimeo\.com\/)(\d+)/i,
stAbl = /https?:\/\/streamable\.com\/([A-Z0-9]+$)/i,
urlImg = /(\.png|\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.gif|\.ico|^https?:\/\/puu\.sh)/i,
hlfp = /https:\/\/hlf-polls.appspot\.com\/#\/polls\/\d+/ig,
urlQfc = /(\d+-){1,7}\d+/g,
rlIdea = /rl\sidea:\d+/ig,
entReg = /<|>|\.\*\*\*/g,[/code]
A lil fun exercise, I have friend who cracks these in no time. However she decodes genome while drinking her morning coffee :/
Original message details are unavailable.
World 5 10/9
Also, what have you done Indy... I spent so long last night doing Regex crosswords. (only square ones, I haven't quite worked up to hex ones yet...) Tbh, it is pretty neat the way they work, and makes a pretty good puzzle. No doubt these will replace Sudoku in my life...
The Nexus CC
13-May-2016 15:53:26
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13-May-2016 16:13:12