Fix the bright blue water issues the happen as you move your camera angle around at the Incandescent energy rift. My QoL would be improved if this could finally get figured out and fixed.
Add a choice to the POP portal similar to the one on Clan Vexillums. I'd like to go to ports from the Priff portal, but then leave ports direct to outside the Sarim portal (or even better, right to the quartermaster).
Yes, I could get Arc teletabs, but ... bankspace ...
Tamarac Elf
Add a choice to the POP portal similar to the one on Clan Vexillums. I'd like to go to ports from the Priff portal, but then leave ports direct to outside the Sarim portal (or even better, right to the quartermaster).
Yes, I could get Arc teletabs, but ... bankspace ...
Just use arc journal and click the first choice. Teleports you right to the guy to take you to the arc
Make brawling gloves usable with skilling sets, sorta silly that I can't use thieving brawling gloves with master camouflage set.
Retro Dragon Claws Overrides
Items with multiple charges (e.g. ring of duelling) that are given a keybind on your bar should work like potions (e.g. tries to use the proper dose, but will use lower if it must).