Looking at this as a programmer the problem is bad code and fear.
The tick system, and maybe most the engine needs to go and the developers know that. But touching anything in there will massively destabilize the game. That engine combined with the microservices and scripts are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. No one is going to get fired for letting it sit and be. There is no incentive for risk. Making mobile and then adding a few dull click wait style skills is profitable.
Competing with WoW, Eve Online, FFXIV, The Elder Scrolls, etc is difficult. Its a generally low profit game model requiring micro transactions and subscriptions to maintain. Jagex has to either locate 10-15 geniuses to fix/rewrite the current engine, or hire 300-400 people to get started on the next major release (RS4)
Jagex has about 320 staff, of that maybe 30 are game programmers, I'd imagine another 60 are artist and developer support staff, then maybe another 30 devops, maybe 10 web developers. The rest are mtx game programmers and management. Its a skeleton crew. So you would have to double the size of the company to take on another project.
I'm not saying more people means more progress but Jagex has had a generation roll over, and have been left with an old engine. There is no "safe" solution to keep the game evolving its as simple as make a new game or experiment with the engine to get it up to industry standards, and the Chinese overlords wont allow that till Jagex is costing them money.
If anyone thinks I am wrong I would love to hear why.
24-Dec-2018 07:57:26