1 arma + 3 precise + 1 rumbling ???
I do not trust this combination in particular, as a few others have tried it and got rubbish results. [Equilibrium 2] is already fairly common from 5 precise comps, so I feel the rumbling component wouldn't really add much. Rather, it could be diluting the chance of rolling [Precise 5] since there would be only 4 remaining components that could contribute towards the weight of that perk.
I believe 2 Armadyl + 3 Precise seems to be the best way, someone even received a Precise 5 Equilibrium 1 from that in less than 10 attempts. The Precise 5 seems to be the rare part, Equilibrium 2 isn't as rare even with this combination.
oh hey I got it. lunging 3 + mobile. that means aftershock 3 + ____ is possible.
not sure who/where said so but I put the stirrup looking component in last.
: if I use void those are definitely the perks I dont want to give up
I have quit rsof because moderator found comments about darklight bonus damage on demons "off topic" for wildy flash mobs full of demons
07-Mar-2017 22:34:09
- Last edited on
08-Mar-2017 00:53:07
J R Kerr