I completely agree, even with AFK goals, it is very important to intersperse non-afk activity in order to remain motivated. I recently made the portants for 80-90 smithing on my ironman and I've barely played since. It's such a long afk task and I really don't have the energy for such a playstyle right now. I think I need to alternate invents with other goals such as quests.
Nice to see you back in the game, what made you decide to come back?
RuneFest actually lol. Plus great timing on Jagex's part.
I missed a lot people on here - some of the best people play RS - so I logged in and said hello to all and they gifted me with a Bond and that made it concrete lol, to keep it short. Thanks for the kind words.
To think about it, the early game actually had the attack randoms to also prevent afk play, as well as prevent botting. Guess they got rid of them for the people who just wanted to afk. Actually afk means "away from keyboard". Which means you are not attending to your system. Does not mean multi-tasking and doing other activities at your area.
Acutally it is quite the opposite. Randoms went bye-bye thanks to dungeoneering. The problem is no randoms in dungeons so if you tried to leave or walked a few steps south of the bank you immediately got a random. Every time.
So we were being held hostage in a basement.
Also I think at the time Jagex was considering their removal anyways due to gaining ground on the bots.