Was good poll. Kinda made me realize some of the shortcomings the game has for me personally, but also how much I still like it. The whole canon of the world is fun and is always great for additions. Probably the main reason I play. But sometimes, when the game feels like just grinding a few click and point skills from 3RD PERSON, it can be disheartening.
I like the idea of polls. I enjoy seeing how much I am like others in the rs community and how I am different. I also like how you can see how the member community voted and how the free community voted.
I love the polls and try to vote in every one of them. Runescape is the only MMO that keeps me coming back.
I'm still hoping to have a dream mode so I can see all the old cutscenes from all the quests I've done. I love quests that much! The stories, histories, and mysteries of this world of Gielinor are enchanting.
Nice poll this week. I've noticed the last several polls being entertaining in their own right with the addition of one or more 'silly' answer options for each question. They've earned more than a few chuckles I'm sure.
I've been on and off RuneScape for along time, quiting for a few months, then to come back to it because of some new update. The more things to do, the more things possible are what keep me playing, I want to explore new areas and solve difficult puzzles, I enjoy challenging myself to new things, along with setting goals that aren't skill related.
Each new update adds more and more playing time, giving you no reason to ever quit RS because theres alwsy going to be something more you can do.
More off topic: Thanks to the Dungeoneering update, i finally started getting back into RS! That and I got a new computer capable of supporting the new graphics..