When I am playing Runescape, I get very immersed. I know I am playing a game on a computer, but also feel like I am in another world. It's hard to explain.
I enjoy the lore of gods (especially of the Ancient lord) within Runescape, and delight in all updates concerning this. I love your new update concerning the Treasure Trails, but I find the more difficult tasks, well.. Difficult. I guess thats the point of them being Elite. :-P
I can't wait for more future quests and storylines concerning the Gods, as these suck me into the story of Runescape deeper everytime they occur.
I've been thinking and Runescape should send emails(to those who have registered it of course)whenever they post a new poll this would help a lot for people like me who try to do every poll...
Runescape player
Good poll. RuneScape is definitely my favorite online game. It's so flexible. I'm able to shift my interests and goals from time to time and then back again. Someone else mentioned the humor. That's true, too. I do think it's fun for folks starting out as well as those with lots and lots of high level skills. I think the developers have worked hard to offer lots of options for everyone. Keep up the good work, Jagex! And thanks for all the fun.
Hey. Well i been playing since 01 with different account and breaks in bewteen. There is times where i quit for a couple months to just take a take break then it draws me abck in with some awesome updates. I honeslty don't think ill ever stop playing. Keep up the great work.
~~~ love lpfm22 (use to be lpfm43) also iruleuall43, music101838, chickensewp, coolguy343.