With reference to the Poll. What motivates you?
I cannot actually remember when I started playing, but it was a couple of months after Rune Scape in this form came out.
I have not continually played, I had a break of about a year. In my case because I am disabled and bedridden I found it the most fun to have an avatar of me doing all the things I could no longer do.This was most apparent during the early years.
Then I used to keep both my son's company. Now only one plays and does not need my help or company so much
So now I guess I am mostly a skiller. I never liked killing real people or NPC's so I just train combat via the slayer skills since that came out =) I do not like the "I got to get rich" mentality of so many youngsters these days, so I gather my own raw materials.
This in itself has led to problems. I have lost my quest cape because the skills required are impossible to get quickly using this method ie Herblore Farming etc.Most people would buy all the herbs to get the level. To me that is not entirely fair game play, as the skills seem designed to help one another. So I have to rely on drops :\ I have to say I am disappointed about this as I worked hard over the years to get my quest cape. Oh well I expect I will get there one day but that was a blow.
Thank you Jagex for helping me come to terms with a very difficult time in my life when I started playing =)
16-Aug-2010 13:59:29