Well, how to start, and answer the question on this poll.
I guess i can just come right out and say i love the polls. i don't miss it if i can help it. I like the thought that my opinion about game ideas or comtect matter. That, in large part, is what I love about runescape and jagex as a whole. You listen to those who play and spend time and money too play your game. I've played others games that just pump out a make shift game with the quest to make money and thats what drives them to produce a game.
But jagex dosn't seem to be like that. You care about your players and try to give them what they want while keeping the game balanced, interesting and fair.Put in the time and reap the rewards
There's questions in this poll that i liked very much. Such as "is my charator alot like me or not". Ofcourse he is. it is a mini me. And brings me to another question I liked seeing in this poll, where 1 of the answers was about costum and clothing divercity. I'm always changing my cgarators looks depending on what I'm doing or how i'm feeling.
Lumberjack outfit with all earned beacom items with wood cutting. top hat, pirate boots and purple elegant and cane with walking around or fishing. Long white bread and hair with full white mystic to acheive my dumbledor Look while maging.
Personalizing my guy to look the part is high on my prioritys of thing to do first before things to do list. This is paramount. Even about stats.
Which brings me to 1 last thing. The update you did resently with treasure trail prises like the changing the look of dragon armour..... GOD BLESS YOU JAGEX!!!
10-Aug-2010 03:23:48