This has to be the worst idea ever, could you imagine the constant flaming and pre-pubesent 12 year old kids i would want to gag and throw into a endless pit? seriously jagex, if clan want to use skype and other things like teamskeak and vent, let them do it, this is what we currently do and we choose who we talk to, not this stupid idea imagine world 2 ge, imagine clanwars, imagine crashers at gwd, this is stupid and not nessersary.
Don't do this! Nothing good can come from it! Seriously!
Reason 1: RWT can become even more of a problem.
Reason 2: This can be very bad personally for players.
Reason 3: People will be easier to get targeted and flamed.
Reason 4: This may get somethings stirred up such as advertisements for fake websites, merch clans and spam.
I have a lot more but only feel like posting a few, seriously, this isn't a good idea. Trust me.
I've never tried voice chat, and I don't really have any interest to. I'm curious though, if you're using voice chat and you're at the Grand Exchange, do you have people yelling the things you generally see in text, such as "FREE STOOF PL0X!!!" and "DOUBLING MONEY!!! LEGIT!!!"? It's annoying enough seeing that kind of thing, let alone having it yelled into your ear I'm sure.
How would this work?
Would everyone be able to hear everyone?
Can you imagine that in the grand exchange? O.O
Also how would the current rules apply in this kind of situation? Would advertising sites and stuff like that still be reportable? Would a report then be a sound clip?
If not, would players then use this to get around the rules?
Also it would be difficult to understand other people in a busy place.
I guess I'd like more info before giving an opinion..
I probably wouldn't use this kind of thing tbh, too annoying...
Law Runes!
03-Mar-2011 19:09:02
- Last edited on
03-Mar-2011 19:13:22
Pandora x
Bad Idea, Just my opinion.
I used to play Xbox Live and I know what voice chat is about. Yes I know people would find it useful but I really would not like to see voice chat introduced into Runescape. I really think that voice chat would create divisions between players. For example, girl players may feel uncomfortable speaking with males (not all but I know some would). Age gaps between players would be a big problem, FACT. A 16 year old with a deep voice will NOT want to talk to or be friends with a 13 year old with lets face it, a low pitched voice, THAT IS A FACT. Also, it would lead to racist remarks, people screaming down the microphone and all kinds of nonsense.
I use voice chat to communicate with a few good friends, but I don't think having a runescape-based voice chat system is too good of an idea. It would be far too easy for "bad things" to happen. I'd hate to see rs turn into a form of chatroulette.