i think its better off how it is now, i voted against the voice chat, sure it would be easier to talk to friends but pretend your on voice chat on rs and ur at the GE so many kids yelling, being annoying, just awful. it would be playing against the little kids on ps3 *box 360 always complaining ect
before jagex does anything it would be really awesome if they fix the connection lost most of us have all the time
I personally believe this is a splendid idea. of course a public voice chatting system would be noisy, laggy and used very little. But, a private voice chatting system would be used greatly. clan events already use such voice systems of course. but if Runescape had its own. with good quality and no or very little lag, i believe it could help better Runescape. The service probably couldn't be free however, but membership could also include this?
Just giving my thoughts. Good luck with the ideas
well ofcourse i use voic chat i open *** me and my cousin and talk together while pking and btw we r in deffernt countries so we talk together and team in pking and share loots sometimes if he need something he tells me and me the same i even said about makeing runescape messnger for the game on facebook when i tagged my we brought the wildy back pic
This would be a great idea especially if they would do it just like I have in my mind,since people rarely use the ignore list they could make the ignore list a flip tab on the friends list like they did with quests and achievement diary's
then they would have a free tab for voice groups or what ever they are going to call it. This would allow players to easily manage who they are going to talk to and who they are not going to talk to. another option would be to implement it on the runescape tool bar and making it so that it can allow you to fill in an rs name and ring them up if they have the option enabled(this is to prevent famous people getting spammed) And making it an application that isn't embedded in the runescape screen would have the additional advantage of not bothering the 50% that doesn't use services like that/
of course you could also do it like summoning and make it an extra circle next to the world map(that you can turn on and of in options menu) and making that button to allow you to enter clan chat like rooms (giving that you are allowed to access the room by it's owner) making it this way would have the advantage of making it easily accessible in game while not bothering the players that do not wish to use it therefore I think that this is the best option that is if jagex can find a way to program it.
So yeah that's my thoughts on it
I personally don't use voice chat because as of now I have had no reason to.
However, an in-game voice chat system within the clan chat might come in handy later on.
04-Mar-2011 09:18:49
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05-Mar-2011 04:05:33
i do not use any voice chat while playing, it would probably freeze my game screen.
i understand, you would make this work only in clan channels? i haven't programmed audio solutions myself much but i believe that it would slow down the game a little bit(and this is much to suffer for me).
By the way, i like listening music while playing, so i would not use the voice chat even if it exists.
I personally never have used a voice chat before, but I LOVE the idea for a voice chat on RuneScape...
It would be so awesome, I would definitely use it, no doubt about that.
Hope to see one on here soon!
Promote Love
First off I would like to say my clan is expecilly active in Ventrilo (a popular voice chat program). We go so far as to require it because it is so huge, for communication durring PK's, wars, and other things.
Now for my point of view on a voice chat service by jagex:
I don't think it is a good idea. It would have to be something compleatly diferent from runescape itself. Something where you could kick, controll volume, ajust settings, ban people. Not only this but the abbility to mute people and have leaders only speaking is huge.
Next is sound.
Most people (like myself) like to have voices comeing through my headset, while sounds coming out my speakers. This is just another feature that would be nessissary for communication.
To make a long story short, There are so many good programs out there for team voice communication. Other games have tryed to incorperate voice chat in there games and have faild misrably.
Though i would love to use my clan chat instead of our current voice chat (it'd save us 40$ a month lol) i don't see it happening unless its extreemly good quality.
Things that would need to be ajustable per player(for me to use anyway
) :
Outbound volume
Inbound volume
Personal mute
Global mute
Push to talk button
Outbound divice
Inbound divice
Microphone sencitivity
Not to mention voice chat would need an insainly good ping to be even worth useing.
04-Mar-2011 09:27:27
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04-Mar-2011 09:33:45
ok this would be a good idea but what about all them little squeekers that arnt even old enough to play this game screaming out ****. if you make it i recon you should be only able to use if you cna verify that your a 15+ ish cause like this could be a easy way for ****** preditors to pray on little unsupecting kids... as we have seen this in last last few months that 54 yo with a 13 yo... ither this can be a bad idea or a good one.... i dont want more kids getting put though this **** for serrious
and another thing your servers arnt even that good to keep a few people in a crowded space.. and the quality to people with slow internet will be bad... or jsut dc them so there would have to be a "total block out" buttom to stop the info coming to thier comp.. via the server... i can see this ending so badly. unles it was only in clanchat/dung teams.
04-Mar-2011 09:28:58
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04-Mar-2011 09:31:51
t r 4 g1c