I'm confused. Are they asking if I would like voicechat added to runescape or if I use voicechat on some other program. From the replies I read, I'm guessing if I want voicechat added to runescape, so my answer is yes. Though it might get a little messy in popular places (Ge, activity worlds, etc.). If it is only in your clan, that would be better. Just don't turn into a place for screaming idiots. Xbox Livers know what I mean.
I didn't even know that people used programs like Skype or Ventrilo to talk over RS. I think the chat would be a good idea, but they'd need limitations and restrictions, like certain worlds or the ability to turn it on and off.
As someone that will not use a voice chat if it is added to the game I have two main concerns.
1. Will I be expected to pay extra for this even though I will never use it?
2. How will this affect my game play? Will I not be able to do certain activities since everyone else may be using voice chat and require me to use it to join? Will my current/future friends possibly have issues with being unwilling to voice chat with them?
This is by far the most productive update that could be placed in this game in my opinion.
So many things are slowed down by typing to chat, and voice chat is a solution and a great help to many of those problems. I look at voice as being able to get the message across faster.. simple enough.
Some ideas that come to mind..
::Things I would like to see::
1. Voice chat in the Runescape game lobby?
2. The ability to mute/kick unwanted players from a chat room..
3. Simliar abilities of a Clan Chat.. like restricting entrants to just friends.
::Things I wonder::
1. How will the 'younger' community handle this with ranting etc.
2. Does everyone have a microphone?
3. Will people be able to handle the trash-talk. If you haven't played XBOX.. you haven't seen the evil side of some kids these days.
Overall I approve of this, and I think its something I have been wishing there was for a long time, which is probably why I have been using Skype for some time. It just makes life easy.
Thanks JaGeX!
why do people care if you talking about inapproate stuff on voice chat your talking to your friends and usually your all 15-19 year old guys who cares what you talk about
Would probably add a whole new dimension of communication to the game.
I'm still into the conventional typing, but wouldn't mind giving it a go if it were to be implemented in the future.
(¸.•'(¸.• Vivek333~
im a vent user and we have a lot of trash talk so wat its part of the game if you play on xbl and know wat im tralking about just dea with the trash talk when people trash talk they usually jokeing
if you cant take it gtfo of the vent
dont take trash talk too serously just ignore it and have fun
04-Mar-2011 01:22:10
- Last edited on
04-Mar-2011 01:23:04