Our clan has been using voice chat for a while now and it has vastly improved how we do everything. As an example when doing dungeoneering we can call out gatherable resources, key pick ups, doors, boss stratagies, what we need for armor and others in a fraction of the time we would have to take to stop and type out what we need to relay. Stopping to type out valuable information is almost a wasted effort when you have less than a second or two to tell someone to switch combat styles, run south, and come back. Several times i would get frustrated trying to walk someone thru how to do something,spending 3 minutes typing out what to do, only for them not to understand it and have to type it all again( try doing it while fighting nomad from requim...)
Using this has also improved the functionality of clan events and clan assistance. having the ability to talk to people has increased attendance at dangerous activities by about three fold. Activities such as king black dragon, kalphite queen, dag. kings and tormented demons are much easier to do as you can better convey needed tactics and information easier.
We have also found, while few at most, problems using chat programs. Not going into detail we have banned anyone who is not of age 18+ due to mostly obvious reasons. Our clans has set up several rules. Another problem that we have had is with only about 12 of the 24 people in the clan having out chat program, we find when talking to others, you tend to ignore your clan and public text, leading to some of the members feeling ignored or bored, sometimes angry lol.
The chat program has kind of spoiled us but i wouldn't have it any other way. when you are carrying on active conversations with your friends it makes the game itself alot livelier and more intersting to play. I thoroughly enjoy it and i would suggest others try it. Thank you
03-Mar-2011 21:54:56
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03-Mar-2011 21:58:26