You do know he didn't actually say it to her though?
Not trying to get caught up in this but your facts aren't even straight in a public response to what was a (very) bad joke basically.
He's on stream. He is making a cruel in front of an audience and taking for granted his privileged life of playing games and making money. Whether they heard it or not doesn't matter, we heard it. He also has a dark sense of humor based on his previous actions so he isn't someone I would want being someone in anything.
Nothing good to say? Say nothing at all. Keep your "dark sense of humor" jokes to yourself, or better yet, stop saying them and just saying "it's just a joke".
Mental Demon
Iced Rng
She didn't even hear it so a bit unjustified
Doesn't matter if she did or didn't, he made the joke showing off to friends trying to act cool on a public platform, He now scored himself a perm ban from Runescape and twitch. You reap what you sow, Was a good laugh last night when he was doing it, and you all commenting suicide jokes in his chat?
But now the repercussions have come about and no-one wants to pay the price.
I think everyone who was apart of what he did thinking it was a funny joke should be removed from this game. easy.
Saffy Taffy
thats so dumb
people tell eachother to kill themselves all the time
imagine if rs perm banned every single person who told a "suicidal" (literally everyone on rs) to kill themselves
game would be even deader than it is already. this is so stupid.
The difference is this guy represented the rs community on twitch in a bad manner. So he deserves it.
Banning someone for off-game/site activity is always extremely stupid.
I'm not defending the guy but judging Jagex by their stupidity.
This should never happen.
Disagreed. When you're representing Jagex's game in a bad way yet alone being a part of the toxic community then you need to be punished. period.
People in here just feeding off the fake outrage without knowing what happened. He never actually told her to "kys" and he wasn't in a relationship with her. Half the people "outraged" about this tell people *jokingly* to "kys" all the time. How is that any different? Is Jagex going to start banning everyone that says it? Because half this chat would be wiped clean if they did. Just saying.
Somewhere there's gotta be a line, people can't just decide that when they say something to their echo chamber it's ok, but when it becomes public suddenly it's reprehensible.
Doesn't matter. He made a fool out of himself and Jagex saw it and no longer want him in the community. To be honest i'd like it if Jagex perma banned every toxic player that takes part in such behaviour. We need less people like this in-game.
You do know he didn't actually say it to her though?
Not trying to get caught up in this but your facts aren't even straight in a public response to what was a (very) bad joke basically.
a bad joke? makes him think twice next time
perm ban where its at!
Iced Rng
Mental Demon
Iced Rng
She didn't even hear it so a bit unjustified
Doesn't matter if she did or didn't, he made the joke showing off to friends trying to act cool on a public platform, He now scored himself a perm ban from Runescape and twitch. You reap what you sow, Was a good laugh last night when he was doing it, and you all commenting suicide jokes in his chat?
But now the repercussions have come about and no-one wants to pay the price.
I think everyone who was apart of what he did thinking it was a funny joke should be removed from this game. easy.
Considering people like you only have the one clip to go off I'll explain the rest. Firstly we weren't laughing about it being funny, it was 'holy crap he actually said that' nervous laughter (well for me at least, I don't know what the others were thinking to themselves). If the vod was still up you could hear him call her back and both acting normally, not how someone who just had that said to them would act.
Nobody cares. You shouldn't even be acting like that in the first place, especially on twitch where anyone and everyone can watch you. You should set a good example not a bad example.
Saffy Taffy
just dumb. big disappointment in jagex for giving into outrage culture for something that isn't even against the rules. he said one comment as a joke that she didnt even hear on another platform. she doesnt even play rs or watch his streams thats his irl friend.
Doesn't matter. You just don't do that.
Banning people for things they did outside of the game is a slippery slope and a poor judgment call, it should have been left for Twitch to deal with; would you apply a penalty to people doing drugs on stream who happen to be playing Runescape as well?
Please do not punish people simply because Reddit told you to do so.
Jagex have always banned people for serious IRL rulebreaking and incidents. This isn't anything new.
+1. Either represent the game in a good manner or don't at all
Banning someone for off-game/site activity is always extremely stupid.
I'm not defending the guy but judging Jagex by their stupidity.
This should never happen.
Doing so while streaming Jagex's game directly and poorly reflects their game itself and they are completely within their right to ban him for doing so, especially since he is breaking (or appearing to break) real world laws at the same time.
ToS clearly state all User Content:
""Must Not:
> be obscene, hateful, inflammatory, threatening, harassing, sexually explicit or deceptive or fraudulent in anyway;
> promote violence or discrimination, promote or endorse any illegal activity or otherwise be objectionable""
""User Content" means all information of any kind (including text, images, video, information and messages) uploaded or sent by users on or in connection with Jagex Products."
At this point there's very little room to argue it.
Exactly. /argument
Rara Anzai
This is basic internet 101... Feed the troll and people end up getting hurt. Ignore the troll and it will fade away back to the shadows.
Just want you all to think about that while you're sharing this to all your friends and laughing and joking about it, you've destroyed an immature, thoughtless streamers career that was mostly built off toxic publicity stunts like this anyways, great! Good on you. But you may end up destroying this girls life too.
Please be careful.
Found the Aus Swag Edate.
Hes been toxic and cancerous for ages having to deal with him personally so what's happened was not a matter of whether he should be banned, its more of a when.
If he wanted to build a proper streaming career, maybe he should reflect on himself as a person. In any case, he deserved it not just because of this one incident but from all the shit he has performed in the past.
This x 100.
So where is all the bans in game for everyone that streams minigames content and says “kys” all the time? Hell even more so most the community says it. I get it you all at jagex care but you can’t take this how you all are. Otherwise you’ll have to ban the whole community and have a dead game title. Maybe next time get the full story like the police would before pre judging the guy just because the snowflakes on reddit said so. Last I checked this game wasn’t run by reddit... and to all you saying good he got banned, grow the fuck up and stop acting like pathetic pc wimps. Quit taking life too goddamn seriously and take a joke for once.
Bro first of all, you're asking the wrong person to "grow up" when you're the one protecting such a toxic community of players telling eachother to suicide. The game has no room for such people. Secondly, there is nothing a joke about suicide, it is a serious matter. And thirdly there's something called respect. Learn it.