Don't support. Guy didn't break any rules. He wasn't even using your platform.
I know goofy Jagex can ban for no reason whatsoever, cuz it's their company. And I don't support it.
Maybe they'll ban me for driving 60 in a 55. Or smoking a cigarette, because they're "incredibly passionate about my health and wellbeing" or whatever the virtue-signaling quote was.
Let's be clear. Jagex only banned this guy because he rocked the boat, and they were getting negative publicity. Don't let them fool you, saying they are a loving and caring company. Their customer service alone should tell you otherwise.
Hopefully these developed countries will begin changing their laws to guarantee these goofy companies can't infringe on our free speech. Doubt it'll happen in Australia or Western Europe. They're too far gone.
(I don't support what the player said, btw. It was awful, in fact, and cannot be condoned).
21-Jan-2019 14:14:29
- Last edited on
21-Jan-2019 14:26:05