
RE: Recent events on Twitch Thread is locked

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24-Jan-2019 07:31:32

Sep Member 2011


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Saffy Taffy said :
thats so dumb
people tell eachother to kill themselves all the time
imagine if rs perm banned every single person who told a "suicidal" (literally everyone on rs) to kill themselves
game would be even deader than it is already. this is so stupid.

Would be rather nice if they muted people for shit like that, as well as the other vile shit people on this game love to say. Even if only temp mutes with perm mutes to follow, would get people to stop.

25-Jan-2019 05:28:28

Sep Member 2011


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Mike of Enyo said :
What is the runescape rule that will caused the perm ban? Laughing on twitch? Just wondering

Breaking real-world laws and seriously offensive behavior.

As well as the horrible publicity this would cause. Or the fact that Jagex can ban someone without reason if they feel it necessary.

25-Jan-2019 05:47:10

Jan Member 2008


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Telling a person that is already in a depressed state to kill themselves is

I am glad Jagex took these steps even though it was not on the game
The richest person is not who has the most. It is who Needs the least.

25-Jan-2019 10:32:36



Posts: 1,199 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A few people on here are saying he said it as a joke. Look if none of you suffer from mental illness shut your trap. No one cares about your uneducated bias for this guy, as far as the "offplatform" stuff, try being a dingleeberry on social media and applying for jobs with a public profile, you will get less offers. It's how it works, jagex owns your account. They can do whatever they want with it. This guy is toxic in game as well don't believe it? Look at his chat logs. Literally just as toxic in game, so another platform argument gone. A company isn't going to stand by and let this kind of person be a representative for their company, no gaming company who cares will. I.e. tyler1 and riot games.

25-Jan-2019 14:07:56

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25-Jan-2019 14:31:38

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27-Jan-2019 19:58:00

Jan Member 2023


Posts: 44 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hookity said :
whats wrong with a dark sense of humor? cant take a bad joke in 2019 , sad life you should you know..... sorry dont want to hurt you feelings ,point is jagex had no right banning him even if she could or couldn't hear him.Simply because its a fucking game, he paid for the service and nothing was said through the game client.he did break twitch tos but he was punished. jagex had no authority here ,they have no right to tell anyone how to live outside the game the fact you give jagex so much power over you is sad .

There is nothing wrong with dark humour but there's time and place for everything you do not go around saying to someone feeling suicidal "go kill yourself" and laugh about it I would love to see your reaction if the same happened to someone from your family or loved ones… You say Jagex had no right to ban him because it's "a fucking game" perhaps you are right but for them it's a business the fact is that they simply do not wish to ignore such toxic and arrogant behaviour that simple from a business point of view it makes sense if you stopped and thought about it for 2 minutes...

28-Jan-2019 00:02:25

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