For all the people making the argument that he didn't even say it to her, that might be the case however the clip shops him streaming their game making that very harsh comment in which his was met with laughter. Even if he didn't offend her by not saying it to her face, it still makes light of a very serious situation. it's not something that should be tolerated as its not something to joke about.
It's not the same as saying kys, drink bleach etc like some edgy kids do online. to an outsiders perspective, he has just told a suicidal person to kill themselves and then laugh in their face with their friends.
Again its not what was done its the message it sends that behaviour like that is tolerated and even funny when it really isn't. Jagex are well within their right to punish him for that and i think he deserves everything he gets.
21-Jan-2019 12:42:34