
RE: Recent events on Twitch Thread is locked

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Kevuki said :
Banning people for things they did outside of the game is a slippery slope and a poor judgment call, it should have been left for Twitch to deal with; would you apply a penalty to people doing drugs on stream who happen to be playing Runescape as well?

Please do not punish people simply because Reddit told you to do so.

This. Surrendering for outrage culture is really stupid. Keep on moderating game interactions and let Twitch handle misuses of their platform. Don't polich and punidh on other's behalf.

21-Jan-2019 12:40:23



Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Alexanderke said :

Breaking twitch ToS, sure.
Breaking irl law, def not

"While suicide or attempted suicide is no longer an offence in Australia, assisting or encouraging another person to commit suicide is an offence in all States and Territories."

It is very much illegal in Australia, you literally cannot argue that the action taken isn't justified, because it really is. It's breaking ToS on Runescape + Twitch, while also breaking irl law. It's also very immoral. Regardless of whether his mic was muted or not, it's pretty stupid to think that people wouldn't pick up on this and post it on the internet for the girl in question to see.

21-Jan-2019 12:42:26 - Last edited on 21-Jan-2019 12:43:17 by IronmanBTWah

Jun Member 2023


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For all the people making the argument that he didn't even say it to her, that might be the case however the clip shops him streaming their game making that very harsh comment in which his was met with laughter. Even if he didn't offend her by not saying it to her face, it still makes light of a very serious situation. it's not something that should be tolerated as its not something to joke about.

It's not the same as saying kys, drink bleach etc like some edgy kids do online. to an outsiders perspective, he has just told a suicidal person to kill themselves and then laugh in their face with their friends.

Again its not what was done its the message it sends that behaviour like that is tolerated and even funny when it really isn't. Jagex are well within their right to punish him for that and i think he deserves everything he gets.

21-Jan-2019 12:42:34

Jun Member 2015


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This is basic internet 101... Feed the troll and people end up getting hurt. Ignore the troll and it will fade away back to the shadows.

Just want you all to think about that while you're sharing this to all your friends and laughing and joking about it, you've destroyed an immature, thoughtless streamers career that was mostly built off toxic publicity stunts like this anyways, great! Good on you. But you may end up destroying this girls life too.

Please be careful.

21-Jan-2019 12:55:27

Pixel Green
Oct Member 2011

Pixel Green

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Yes, in many places he was breaking the law. In some cases and depending on the severity of the act you can be imprisoned for 14years for inciting suicide.

Regardless of whether she heard it or not it's clear what the situation was portrayed to be. Part of rules is obviously to not break real life laws, which he did. If you argue he didn't... Then it can also fall under encouraging rule breaking, streaming such behaviour can easily be interpreted as that.

Good riddance that he's gone.

Even if not from this occasion, he's persistently been a tumour on this community.

It also wasn't "outside of the game", so long as he was streaming the game. Communication to do with the game, even if through a 3rd party software is to do with the game.

On which note I hope they finally take action on all that Reddit drama with the doxxing and stuff from luring/pk clans/fcs
"To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead." - Thomas Paine

21-Jan-2019 12:58:10

Nov Member 2022


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Anmi said :
This is basic internet 101... Feed the troll and people end up getting hurt. Ignore the troll and it will fade away back to the shadows.

Just want you all to think about that while you're sharing this to all your friends and laughing and joking about it, you've destroyed an immature, thoughtless streamers career that was mostly built off toxic publicity stunts like this anyways, great! Good on you. But you may end up destroying this girls life too.

Please be careful.

whatever makes u cope dude let it all out i understand you lost your favourite streamer bad luck buddy

21-Jan-2019 13:05:42

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