I am not against Pking. However, there is no valid reason for Jagex not to introduce non PVP worlds, or relocate non PVP content. Except, of course, Jagex may regard the offering of Skillers/D&Ders as Pker bait as a perfectly acceptable business proposition.
Jagex – I will be cancelling my monthly membership.
The total contempt shown towards a large part of your paying customers - yes, we are paying customers - means I will no longer fund your commercial operations. I have funded you through the years of no wildy; I put up with trade restrictions introduced with GE. I do not intend to waste money putting up with increasing viciousness which will inevitably occur . Bullying is already far too prevalent in real life and cyberspace; to deliberately re-introduce it into Runescape is a retrogade step.
PvPers had their dedicated worlds, which were spectacularly under populated – Oh No - Pker v Pker, how unfair. Oh No * he’s got higher herblore and can use extremes – not fair waaah says the Pker. Give Skillers/D&D their own worlds – you will find they are full to bursting – perhaps that is your problem; no easy bait for griefer Pkers.
I was around for the ‘wildy experience’ - younger and more naïve – believe me, it was not pleasant. Are you, as a company, so lacking in commercial awareness that you cannot see that you actually have two disparate customer bases? The skilling/D&D base is increasingly very different to the Pking Community, who spat the dummy and apparently left after the wildy and RWT was withdrawn. The withdrawal of the wildy was caused by those using PK for RWT. I know many skillers like Pking and many Pkers like skilling, but the differentiation between the communities is there. Choice – the consumer has it. To pay or not * I choose not * I shall now spit my dummy in your direction.
My money will go to Childline – to help combat cyber bullying., which Jagex appears to condone, or actually encourage.
30-Jan-2011 04:38:49