
February Newsletter Thread is locked

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Jul Member 2022


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I didn't laugh at PK'ers when they lost the Wilderness three years ago.
You don't understand penguins, or the community of players involved with penguins. Be respectful, even if you don't understand or agree with our intentions.
I don't understand PKers, I don't understand how someone can have all maxed skills, I don't understand communities getting together to cut some trees or fish, I don't understand mini-game communities, but I'm respectful of their gameplay and communities. The least I personally am asking for is some respect towards the communities and players you don't understand.

01-Feb-2011 00:06:08 - Last edited on 01-Feb-2011 00:07:54 by Boomer



Posts: 645 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Before they took out wildy pking, there were cowardly pkers that used to hang out by abyss and attack unarmed rcers. Well with the price of runes down, and zmi, graahks, etc it;s much easier and faster to train rc without using abyss, so Jagex felt the need to give fodder to the cowardly pkers.
I'm not knocking the honorable pkers that attack each other, but the one's that ambush, and attack the unarmed.
What people fail to realize is bringing back the wild was a done deal before Jagex ever put the 1st poll up. Heck the 1st poll showed their bias. If you want wildy back, vote yes, if you don't want it, there's no place to vote no, they actually said don't vote.
And really, do you think they had time to write all the code, and do beta testing to bring back free trade, wildy pking, moving sacred clan, clan wars, putting revs in their own dungeon, etc since the poll ended? Of course not. This was started well before the polls ever went up.
This is all about bottom line. Jagex has been losing market share, and had lower profits since they took out wildy pking. They're doing this update for their profits, not our happiness.
If it was about us, they would have left some worlds with no wildy pking, as is, with revs, for those of us who don't like pking. But this might upset those who rage quit over removal of wildy pking 3 years ago, and lets face it, thats who this update is for, trying to lure them back, to increase Jagex's bottom line. All the talk about community, making all players happy, etc is just a bunch of talking points, trying to make us think they care about the players, when all they care about with players is trying to get as many as possible, not keeping the loyal players who have been here for years happy

01-Feb-2011 01:36:44



Posts: 645 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As an after thought, just to show this is about bottom line, Jagex has said they'd never bring back free trade and wildy pking if they didn't have bots well in hand.
Go to Aubry's rune shop in Varrock, and set up a cannon in front of the door, see how many bots you can trap. Plant a marker plant on abyss mage, or Dungeoneering mage, see how many rc bots you catch. Not to mention wc bots, agility bots, hunting bots at red chins, and on and on. Bots are far from under control, yet wildy and free trade are coming back.
Wildy pking and free trade were eliminated 3 years ago, due to an infestation of bots. Jagex did eliminate them for a time, but now the number of bots is growing, and not as easy to recognize, as they're real players cheating. I have very little confidence that this problem won't spiral out of control once wildy and free trade come back

01-Feb-2011 01:52:48

Tamarac Elf
Apr Member 2007

Tamarac Elf

Posts: 1,291 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"So, with that in mind and out of respect for all the other newsletter contributors, let's hold any further discussion on the subject elsewhere so we don't hijack the newsletter. Fair enough?"
Then why put it in the newsletter?
This newsletter is about the community - not content. Please don't put content in the newsletter that is very controversial between players.
The newsletter here is already biased on one side of it being supportive.
Please, in the future, do not discuss major content changes unless you can discuss it from both sides of the table.
Thanks for this Moe .. some thought needs to be applied to even the most innocuous seeming comments. We are about to embark on a major upheaval and tact and diplomacy are important as well as full knowledge of the issues.
Tamarac Elf
Eldest Goat of the Old Goats
Curiosity is a good thing ;)

01-Feb-2011 01:55:46



Posts: 50 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I've been doing some research about the 'Who The Zamorak' quiz thingy. I got stuck over Mod Paul M and Mod French. I like Mod Paul M better (no offense Mod French) so I am going to put his name down. The 'who the zamorak' is....

`*~!!!_Mod Paul M_!!!~*`

Sir Nugalot

01-Feb-2011 02:03:35



Posts: 6,487 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
" "So, with that in mind and out of respect for all the other newsletter contributors, let's hold any further discussion on the subject elsewhere so we don't hijack the newsletter. Fair enough?"
Then why put it in the newsletter? "

Yes indeed.
Where I come from, we have a saying;
Don't start something, won't be something.

01-Feb-2011 03:19:14



Posts: 264 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It is your game Jagex, do with it as you will. Just don't try to tell me it is MY choice that you did this. You announce that the wildy and free trade is coming back and the bots come out of the woodwork. I was so enjoying being able to hunt red chins without competing with a dozen bots in one spot.
As for laughing at the penguin hunters, it is not a matter of keeping the penguins in the wildy, it is a matter of calling those hunters helpless to the pkers. Yeah for encouraging bullies....
We shall see how many people stay.

01-Feb-2011 03:20:37



Posts: 1,030 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"The players here who have demanded to preserve the content they have enjoyed for the past years are the very same players who kept this company afloat when 95% of the pkers rage quit after the removal of the Wild.
We may not have liked the changes made then, but adapted and accepted the new content added to the game which largely changed the playing style of the majority.
We are those same players who are now being disregarded to favour those who rage-quit.
Money talks, Jagex, and after all these years, mine finally told you to go to hell.
I don't want any part of this adolescent BS your company now promotes, and I won't be back"
You state you adapted to the change after the wildy update in december 2007, then assuming you went through the bounty on may 6th of 2009.
-*My assumption was based on your recent post date.-
So why is it you can't adapt once more?
-"which largely changed the playing style of the majority".
The style hasn't even changed at all that much. No matter the view you look at it, Still same amount of botter's on a rough estimate. Wilderness isn't going to affect your quick log run, or even your trip to the furnace. If you dont like the wilderness, don't walk in it. If you have played this game as you say then why quit now.
I've been playing since RuneScape Classic* (92cb) and honestly i think its going to help put the economy back in balance without these mercher's in the Grand Exchange all day.. This kinda takes out that equation, If only you knew how seer's bank trading was..
Sorry to be so OffTopic. :P

01-Feb-2011 03:39:49 - Last edited on 01-Feb-2011 03:44:45 by Thugery

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