
Wildy & Free Trade - Questions Thread is locked

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[b]Wilderness Questions:[b\* Q: Will the Wilderness Volcano be removed & original 07’ landscapes be returned? Q: Why have you decided to keep summoning in the wilderness? Surely killing someone using a packyack with 30 brews in it is just absurd. Q: When you say “Obviously we have new weapons, curses and an entire summoning skill to generate new tactics.” does this mean that there may be a potential removal to the summoning skill from the wilderness? Q: In your example “xxepicpkerxx 126+12” Does this mean a level 126 with 1 summoning can attack a level 126 with 99 summoning, in 1 wilderness, with a familiar spawned? Wouldn’t this be unfair to the player who has the lower summoning level? Q: Why keep summoning in the wilderness [b]Free Trade Questions:[b\* Q: When you mentioned options for the staking menu, you mentioned “Not at this time, but potentially in the future.” I feel that options such as “No Degradable Items” or “Team Staking” are necessary on the first day back due to the vast power of degradable weapons. Will you ‘please’ introduce these sorts of rules along side with the return of free trade and wilderness? [b]Misc.[b\] Do you feel as if you’ve returned the wilderness and free trade to its former self? “The Wilderness in Runescape will never be like it was in pre 07’. Only the deletion or limitation to which items and abilities can be used in the wilderness can restore the wilderness to what made it so popular and why so many of us played.” – Anonymous.

22-Jan-2011 14:59:01 - Last edited on 22-Jan-2011 15:17:09 by Neb



Posts: 4,579 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Do you have any plans to remove/relocate the wildy crater? It takes up too much space and isn’t used.

Why won't the old PJing system return?
What will happen when someone dies at corp? Currently we have a few minutes to run back and pick up some of our stuff.
What about people who use yak scrolls to bank their valuables before they die?
Will you guys be adding more skiller things to encourage skillers to use the wilderness too?
Can you guys change the normal Spellbook? Currently left click is set to autocast and is very frustrating. Can you guys change it to where left click isn't for autocast just like you did in the ancients spellbook?
If player A sells something to the general store will player B be able to buy the item?

22-Jan-2011 14:59:01 - Last edited on 22-Jan-2011 15:53:25 by Masterguy

Eradicate X

Eradicate X

Posts: 1,679 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Continued from my first post on page 2.
5. In the old wild one of the things was that people could teleport out with ease. Will you be keeping some sort of penalty for teleporting from a fight? Will you be keeping the 10 second counter from people that run or teleport in combat?
6. How will the quest be safe? Will start points be moved and quests put in a special area where people can*t see you or will you have to run there with the risk of being attacked?
7. For the high risk people could simply hit and run. Is there something to prevent this? Something I was thinking is you cannot teleport or run in the first 3 hits of combat, Just like RuneScape classic!
8. You said you are removing the Volcano banker. What about the Volcano itself? Many people would love to have the graveyard dragons back.
9. If extreme stats are just lowered to super stats when you go into the wilderness wouldn’t it be possible for extreme potions to act as super potions? Maybe even have overload potion work the same by having five minutes of boosted super stats instead of extreme still having the cost of 500 life points.
Example: Ext potions in wild will only boost to 118 instead of 125. Overload would be five minutes of 118/118/118/112/103 instead of 125/125/125/123/106.
10. The Chaos Tunnels, what will happen to them and can we still use overloads or extremes in them? People do their slayer tasks there and use extremes and overloads even. Or perhaps the chaos tunnels will become a part of the wild?
11. Will you be able to trade over 2,000,000,000 GP? For example buying a whole partyhat set I believe cannot be one trade with current prices.
That is all I have to ask, Thank you. :)

22-Jan-2011 14:59:05 - Last edited on 22-Jan-2011 16:00:18 by Eradicate X

Oct Member 2020


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"Some areas of the wilderness are still PK free (like the original mage arena). In those areas AND in the rest of the game, a gravestone will appear and exist just as they do today. The gravestone can still be blessed and maintained by other players. A player returning to their gravestone will be able to reclaim all their lost items.
If a player doesn’t return to their gravestone and it crumbles away, all players will be able to pick up the loot."
So how have you planned this for bosses? I don't believe there is ANY forum team that would bless if you die after 100 dry kills.
And how will this work out for corp? do your items get instantly looted by other players?

22-Jan-2011 14:59:05

Charmed Pop

Charmed Pop

Posts: 4,725 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
How will the ability for other players to loot your items improve overall gameplay? Why was it decided to revert back to a more frustrating and less community friendly method? Is this part of the update set in stone?
One major problem before 2007 was having people enter the wild for things unrelated to PvP. Abyss runecrafters are one group that comes to mind. Has Jagex decided to limit the amount of people who are in the wild for things other than PvP?
Do you think we will ever see extremes able to be used in the wild? (Given that there is a herblore update that makes the skill more accessible and when the potions are used they have a certain animation to reflect their usage and/or they are purchasable for millions each in a shop to at least allow for people without the level to obtain them.)
Without giving anything too important away, can you explain how the bot detecting software will not just be beaten like usual? Also, how will it prevent gold farmers from paying with stolen credit cards?
Just to calm any fears, you will not be selling items in a RS shop, correct? I say that because this was one of the only other methods that could combat gold farmers but would be a huge disaster for RuneScape.

22-Jan-2011 14:59:05



Posts: 603 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1. Will green dragons in the wilderness stay where they are?
2. Will the chaos tunnels be moved?
3. If so, where?
4. Will there be anything that is included in the update that is not revealed?
5. Will there be bugs? Or have you sorted them out already?
6. Will we be able to see other peoples offers in the grand exchange for what price and which person or is it just staying as usual?
7. Why keep the buying restrictions on?
8. Will general store shops return to their original state - Buying and selling items in there?
9. Do you have ways to detect RWT?
10. Will you be able to cope with the mass of bots?

Thanks :)

22-Jan-2011 14:59:06

Chris Pirtle
Nov Member 2007

Chris Pirtle

Posts: 2,454 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Will emotes be allowed in the wilderness or during wilderness combat?
Will you able to trade in the wilderness or any changes like the 2nd screen being gone in the wilderness?
Are there any methods O R plans to make methods for teleblocking others?
Has the armored zombie entrance been moved or is this great and easy combat training method now dangerous as players will be able to camp at the altar? Would there be any compensations for the added danger if this were the case, as revenants were a rare sight there?
Will this oppurtunity be used to add a high score to Stealing Creations, as I would like to see one for it? Especially since we'll be losing other activities, at least temorarily.
Will we see healing hitsplats everywhere? If I remember correctly, there was a poll about them, but I don't think it was a guaranteed content poll.
Will we still get a Behind the Scenes or will making sure every bug is fixed be a priority?
Will we get "Clan Tools" such as possibly a clan list as discussed in Mod Chichiro's developer's blog on Dec 7, as there an empty tab available for one? If, not will the wilderness or an update from it use this tab? If nothing is immediatly planned to go there Dungeoneering should...
You mentioned wildy clues will be rarer, will wildy penguins be rarer also? At least not 2 in one week anymore? (if not I understand as penguin clan chats probably make the activity a little easier than intended)
Will we still have the gold-ish orange "critical" hitsplats in the wilderness? I guess they could be confusing, but I seriously just hate how ugly they are and feel just the bolder font is sufficient.
Will teleother spells be allowed? Any changes to the accept aid or a reminder that it may be in your best interest to turn it off before entering the wilderness?
Will areas that allow you to easily "hug" players still exist?
Any new music soundtracks in small, enclosed, campable places?

22-Jan-2011 14:59:07

Rac Frobozz
Apr Member 2023

Rac Frobozz

Posts: 563 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Two main questions...
Any comment on chaos tunnels? is getting to bork and other chaos tunnel activities now truly dangrous to get to or only alternative the very long route from sawmill entrance?
Also blood altar. A lot of people used abyss to get to mutated bloodvelds for slayer. Any alternative being provided for that that is reasonable? Maybe a teleport deep in Meiyerditch?
Thanks. RAC

22-Jan-2011 14:59:08

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