1. You have said PvP mechanics will be returned as they were in the wilderness.
Are you therefore returning the ability for multiple persons in a single area to pile a person in a nearby multicombat zone? it is an essential mechanic for pking
around the runerocks area! It was never removed from the FFA clan wars portals so its clearly not a bug? Its critical to runerocks tactics, a smaller team can take on
a larger team using tactics not sheer brute force.
2. You have said 'popular pvp items' will not be lost and you will be able to run back for them.
I would just like confirmation that this does include the fighter torso, firecape and defenders. If it doesnt it needs to!
3. Am I right in thinking recepie for diaster gloves will be converted into coins alongside the anchor and korasi's?
continued on another post -
- continued
4. Are you going to be balancing some new items for use in pvp?
Since the removal of the wilderness it has been obvious that Jagex has developed weapons with PvM in mind. Some new weapons (claws/chaotic/korasi's) are severly
overpowered in pvp. They were designed to combat huge boss monsters such as the corperal beast and Nex... and yet your allowed to use them unrestricted on players? At
least in the wilderness will these items be balanced? Wheres the motivation to use any other item when there is one which trumps everything else?
Whip: Fast, Medium damage, Medium accuracy
Godsword: Very Slow, high damage, medium? accuracy.
Then theres:
Claws: fast, high damage, high accuracy
Chaotic: fast, very high damage, very high accuracy.
While they are needed to be overpowered for combatting lvl 1001 monsters they should not be used in this form on players! They need to have their stats adjusted
(balanced!) when used in the wilderness (pvp enviroment)
22-Jan-2011 15:03:50
- Last edited on
22-Jan-2011 15:04:21