My one burning question is...
What exactly is the reasoning behind not moving Distractions and Diversions out of the wilderness, e.g. penguins (especially these), stars, and treasure trails?
How are brawlers going to work with this update? I understand that there will be a cave/dungeon of some sort with the Revenants inside to drop PvP Armor, Statues & Brawlers but are the brawlers going to still work the same as they do now in every world?
I have a few questions
1) Will there be a warning message implemented on ancient wilderness teleports?
2) Will the KBD remain in the same place?
3) Will the lava titan teleport be moved?
4) What is the reason extremes aren't allowed?
5) Do you class super antifires and special restore potions as extremes? (This is becasue banning Spec pots will be absurd due to the use of the ring of vigour and Leech Spec)