How do you plan on stopping botters (and possibly RWTers) from transferring wealth between accounts with free trade available?
Rollbacks won't have much effect if they just intend to make cash. Is there any risk for them when using throwaway accounts?
Let me summarise our main argument here and what we are trying to achieve:
We believe that the wilderness penguin should be removed and relocated for the following reasons:
1)Penguins were introduced at a time when the wilderness was not PVP. This is also true for the Corp Beast but that has changed, see point 3.
2)As it stands at the moment, the Risk Vs Reward is not enough. We are gaining 2 points for an already very difficult penguin to hunt, without the threat of PK'rs.
Wilderness penguins are worth 2 points, so however are many other penguins, for example castle wars.
3)All other activities within the wilderness have been changed to provide better rewards/ convenience to those communities, why should the D&D Community fair any differently?
Moved - Activities - Clan Wars, Fist of Guthix
Increased Rewards - Beacon Network
Option to Directly Teleport There - Corp Beast
Less Frequent Visits to Wilderness - Clue Scrolls
Stars and Penguins - Nothing. At all.
Although stars only land in the wilderness every few hours, if you be unlucky, the penguin is in the wilderness the *WHOLE* week.
This is unfair.
4)Simply increasing the point value of the wilderness penguin will have a reverse affect as it will become and more valued penguin, and hence more Pk'rs are likely to camp at it for easy kills.
5)While dieing is not a problem in many cases, it is the fact we will have to try and find a penguin in an already very large area, now with the threat of Pk'rs.
This is not how our community operates, and personally I do not want to train the unreleased skill of:
"Getting a wildy penguin quickly and without dying several times before hand"
Although if wilderness penguins are left in the wilderness I will invite you all to my 99 skill cape party, in a few hundred years!
22-Jan-2011 15:02:56
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22-Jan-2011 15:03:08
Dr Nick 51
So to conclude.
While there is no risk trying to find the wilderness penguin with few/no items as many have suggested in this thread, it is the fact we will have to try and locate this very hard penguin with even more hassle than before (Revs).
Increasing point value only helps the PK'rs, as the penguin will become hunter bait.
Other activities have been given help to overcome any PK'r problem when they were orginally designed for non PVP wilderness - Corporal Beast has the opiton to directly teleport there and The Beacon Network is to recieve increased rewards!
The only real option left then, is to relocate the wilderness penguin.
We are not against Pk'n, but this way the Pk'rs can STILL have their fun, and we can have ours
Dr Nick
22-Jan-2011 15:02:57
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22-Jan-2011 15:03:17
Dr Nick 51
will 2billion wealth still be the maximum trade? because that's not very FREE if it is....
also: if for instance i was to ever quit runescape, and wanted to give all my wealth (in the billions) to my brother who also plays, would i get banned for the misconception of trading between my own accounts?
also, sorry for the double and triple and quadruple post >.> my internet lagged :/
22-Jan-2011 15:02:58
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22-Jan-2011 16:38:26
Formerly Joy
hey jagex,
my question: Can we trade great amounts of money between accounts without being punished ? And by this i mean between acc's that I own, not to friends.
this is still very unclear, and I would be happy with a clear answer
greetz aliensslayer
Hi Jagex Content Team. I have a question: Will the Abyss be relocated? If not, will it still be possible to abyss rc? "Safe" worlds should also be added in my opinion