First of all, thank you for your time to, even if you don't answer, at least read my questions:
1- Don't you think that what you are doing to extremes is unfair? Why is every other skill allowed to give you advantages in the wilderness, even non-combat skills (How can you have your Korasi Sword without, for example, 70 crafting, construction and smithing? How can you use your celestial surgebox without 70 runecrafting? How can you use you Crysatl Bow and Shield without 50 agility? How can you use all the Dungeoneering Rewards, that include the almighty chatoic weapons, without the dungeoneering level?), and Herblore is not? Tons of weapons, spells, and other stuff require levels in skills that don't level your combat level. Extremes would make you hit even higher, but so what? Only because they are not tradeable, they are an unfair advantage? Why is the Korasi Sword allowed, the Godswords, the Dragon Claws, if they make you hit really high too? I can't use extremes, but I think it is unfair that one person that invested months/millions in Herblore, and other that has invested months on, for example, Dungeoneering, is not allowed to use the benefits of that investement in the wild, and the one that trained Dungeoneering is. So, why did you do this?
1.1 - Are you going to prevent any other item to enter the wild?
2- You said in the FAQ that in treasure trails we are not going to be sent to the wild as often as we were. How much will the odds of we getting a clue that sents us to the wild will be reduced?
2.1 - Are scan and compass clues in the wild be left there? It's not that easy to keep opening the compass with pk'ers trying to kill you.
2.2 - When we are fighting Zamorak and Guthix Wizards in the wild (the ones that appear when in treasure trails), are Pk'ers still going to be able to attack us and prevent use to kill the wizard in peace?
22-Jan-2011 15:00:52
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22-Jan-2011 15:01:08