Untradables. According to the FAQ, it was unclear as to whether or not we would be able to retrieve some untradables. Here is a copy and paste of what your answer was:
What about untradeable items like Dungeoneering rewards/Korasi’s sword/fire capes etc? How will these work in the Wilderness?
One of three things will happen. Some objects will vanish, some drop cash (like anchor pre 07, will include Korasi’s sword), others drop a tradable equivalent (like summoning headgear that’s enchanted being dropped un-enchanted). Most popular untradeable PvP equipment will not vanish.
“Most popular untradeable PvP equipment will not vanish.*
This quote caused many people to believe we would be able to retrieve our items. I, and many others thought we would be able to retrieve our firecapes/torsos/defenders/void. There are thousands of players that would wish for us to be able to retrieve our pre-2007 untradables. Please, Jagex let this happen. We want to be able to retrieve our items if we die.
On a sidenote, you also did*’t say whether or not we would be able to retrieve our tradable items if we died. It made sense in PvP worlds/BH that we couldn’t because our opponent couldn’t see everything we had, but now that they can see everything if they don’t pick up our items, then we should be able to go retrieve our tradables just like Old Wilderness.
22-Jan-2011 15:00:58