
Wildy & Free Trade - Questions Thread is locked

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Posts: 3,419 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Why are you so keen to make this update how you at Jagex want it? half the time you say you feel this is best for everyone, it's not it takes half the fun out of the system ... just put it back to how it was and leave it be ... please?

22-Jan-2011 15:48:22



Posts: 533 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Okay my question is, If we trade between 2 accounts (both mine) From my main to pure for example maybe 50m? And you guys would ban the account right? What if people die with 50M and actually did it cause they wanted to xfer, but they can't get banned if they actually pked the 50M so how is this going to be happening? Thanks :D

22-Jan-2011 15:48:30



Posts: 22,193 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Oh swan
1. Would the tunnel, filled with revenants be PVP-activated?
No, it will not be.
2. Would the revenants have new drops (besides the statuettes) and would it change to become a slayer monster?
Revenants will be dropping brawlers from now on

22-Jan-2011 15:48:43 - Last edited on 22-Jan-2011 15:50:26 by Heatley



Posts: 312 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Will the old wilderness skull return? The one where you keep 3 items when you're not skulled and when you attack someone you will lose everything on death, except from the item you protect?

Will someone with summoning be 126+12 outside the wilderness and 138 outside the wilderness when he's carying a familiar? (same for in the wilderness)?
Will you bring back the old autocast system? The one at the moment sucks for pking.
Thank you. I might come up with some more questions later=).

22-Jan-2011 15:48:53



Posts: 329 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello :D ,
In the FAQ's released the other day, Mod Mark said that some untradable items that are commonly used for pking will not vanish upon death; is he implying that they will be dropped on the floor and you will be able to run back to the place that you died to pick them up (For around 60 seconds after your death, like in old wild)? And if so, Could you give us a few specifics as to what these items are? E.g. Fighter Torso, Firecape, Defenders.
Thanks :)

22-Jan-2011 15:48:53



Posts: 111 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is a very big question relateing to the future of runescape!
What will happen to item,s throughout the world of runescape? Like dragon daggers, AMulet of strengths, All pking weapons/supplys?
Alot of the rich people on runescape have already started pre-buying every single pking item/weapon in runescape, it is already hard to gather items of the grand exchange without a rather long wait, For example waiting 3 hours for a amulet of strength... What are you goinjg to do to stop this? THey will sell months after the update to gather a large profit while pking will become a chore instead of fun, waiting hours for items? Are you going to flush items into the game to restore the econom,y for pkers supplys or jsut let everyone buy them out and give us nothing to pkl with? for up to months, befoire they sell for a profit, when everything will be like 300k each.
I think if you take the time to read this, everyone will be effected by this.

22-Jan-2011 15:49:08

neo san87
Jul Member 2023

neo san87

Posts: 216 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
why remove the banker for the wilderness volcano? its a good place to teleport to so that i could go around some pk'ers or get to a clue quickly
Is The Wilderness Still Going To Have The Wilderness Volcano, Where Greaters, Hellhounds, etc... Are, or are you removing it completely?
Is The Games Necklace Still Going To Wilderness Volcano? (Or Location Previously) So That I Could Quickly Get Into The Wilderness Before A Pk'er Catches Me, Then I Could Quickly Do A Clue Or Something, Then Quickly Teleport Out.. , I Have Enough Trouble Finding Things In The Wildy As Is, When Looking On A Map, I Can Make Trips Quick And Simple To Remember, If This Is Removed...Well...Back To The Good 'oDays.. I Presume
Last Question:
You Mentioned That Parts Of Mage Arena Was Where Your Free From Pk'ers, Are You Keeping It As Is, Or Do You Plan On Doing Something For The Area, Like Make It Safe In More Area's So One Could Get From Mage Bank To Arena,
"If So It Would Be Unfair To Pk'ers So Some Kind Of 10 Second Timmer Before The Other Player (Like Previous PVP Worlds)

22-Jan-2011 15:49:46

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