"Mod Fetzki answers:
The big difference is that you cannot tell before combat whether a person can use extreme potions or not. As you say, it doesn't make any difference to the combat level if you have a high Herblore or not but it makes a big difference to the combat stats. And you can see whether the other one wields dragon weapons or the other items that you talked about but not whether they are using extreme potions or not, therefore we had to disable them. And to your comparison: EVERYTHING has soaking on it now, therefore extreme potions are still very very powerful."
I still don't see the point in not allowing extremes into the wilderness.
"The big difference is that you cannot tell before combat whether a person can use extreme potions or not."
Can you tell before combat if someone is hiding a special attack weapon like dragon claws or korasi's sword in their inventory?
Are dragon claws fair when they cost 25,000,000 gp to buy?
Is korasi's sword fair when you have to do an entire series of quests to get them?
Is an armadyl godsword fair when it costs 58,000,000 gp?
The fact is none of pking is fair.
Part of what makes the wilderness have it's risk is fighting someone without knowing everything about them.
Like you said, people won't know when people are using extremes, but that is part of the RISK that the wilderness deserves to have.
If you really think it is so unfair why not just make a special animation when you are drinking extreme potions?
Also players can ask each other to quick chat their Herblore level before fights.
I think it's pretty fair to let extremes into the wilderness and think it's unfair that I am a high level who can't even use high level content as I please.
So I guess my question is, Why are you banning extremes from the wild when it can be made perfectly fair very easily?
22-Jan-2011 16:38:59