
Wildy & Free Trade - Questions Thread is locked

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Posts: 45 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1. If i read correctly, you said you would have the mage arena and stuff in the wilderness. But, how would that work, am i suppose to rush over there, hoping to not get pked? 2. The wilderness was fun, there should be wilderness worlds for pking, i mean real pking, where you get the full drop. But what about the people who want to fight the revanants, battling them in the chaos altar was fun. Theres also kbd, but im not getting into that. -Fiercepup :)

22-Jan-2011 16:36:20



Posts: 3,997 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have a few questions on how jagex is going to stop rwt and the return of bots.
How will you be able to control rwt when people will be able to but max cash in poh chest, max cash staked at duel arena, max cash dropped in wild at death, and last but not least max trade to other players. There will be infinite ways to now trade/drop any cash/items throughout rs.
How will you be able to stop bots (the bots are still on rs now) when gold farmers will be back in droves. The bot armies will return if the prospect of selling gold is back.
These are my biggest concerns and I seriously doubt all the trades can be monitored, and it seems as if all answers to these concerns are being skirted or ignored.
Please give us more then form answers on how this will be handled.

22-Jan-2011 16:36:43



Posts: 679 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1. Will most or ALL non-tradable items such as fire capes, toros, fighter hats, and chaotics appear above your bones for 2 minutes after you die in the wilderness?
2. Will you remove the "cannot attack until 10 seconds after battle" for when other players are trying to jump you? Please keep this tactic in because pjer's ruing the whole fun of the wilderness, especially with all the new powerful weapons.
Maxed Total
Oblivion PvM #1

22-Jan-2011 16:36:55



Posts: 760 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Greetings. My question is not related to any of the new features we'll be enjoying, but about something that we'll be losing:
What measures will be taken against RWT now?
I think we're returning to the point we were some years ago and all measures Jagex has taken against RWT will be lost, but I'd like to know if you'll be implementing something new to fight Real World Trade.

22-Jan-2011 16:37:48

Jun Member 2010


Posts: 761 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Will gravestones outside of the wilderness show dropped items when the timer runs out?
If so theres no incentive for people to bless/repair graves when at places like godwards dungeon... to get killcount takes more than 6 minutes.
I wont be going Nex for sure with my top gear if people can get my items

22-Jan-2011 16:38:00

Buff Nerd

Buff Nerd

Posts: 189 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What will happen if we die while using untradeable items like the fighter torso, fire cape, and dragon defender in the wild? Will we be able to go back to the spot we died and pick up those items like in the old wild, or will we have to go and get them all over again?

22-Jan-2011 16:38:37

Jun Member 2022


Posts: 18 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
were will all the activities in the wildy be moved to? (fist of guthix, clan wars, stealing creation, ect.) and the green dragons! please dont keep them in the wildy im not going into wildy for the green dragons if u keep them in there ill get killed lol. so were will u move the activities and hopefully the green dragons were will they be? but thanks for this update jagex!!!! i will be happy having the free trade and wildy for the first time for me as a player of 08 after the free trade was taken away :D

22-Jan-2011 16:38:58

U Ded Neeb

U Ded Neeb

Posts: 325 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Mod Fetzki answers:
The big difference is that you cannot tell before combat whether a person can use extreme potions or not. As you say, it doesn't make any difference to the combat level if you have a high Herblore or not but it makes a big difference to the combat stats. And you can see whether the other one wields dragon weapons or the other items that you talked about but not whether they are using extreme potions or not, therefore we had to disable them. And to your comparison: EVERYTHING has soaking on it now, therefore extreme potions are still very very powerful."

I still don't see the point in not allowing extremes into the wilderness.
"The big difference is that you cannot tell before combat whether a person can use extreme potions or not."
Can you tell before combat if someone is hiding a special attack weapon like dragon claws or korasi's sword in their inventory?
Are dragon claws fair when they cost 25,000,000 gp to buy?
Is korasi's sword fair when you have to do an entire series of quests to get them?
Is an armadyl godsword fair when it costs 58,000,000 gp?
The fact is none of pking is fair.
Part of what makes the wilderness have it's risk is fighting someone without knowing everything about them.
Like you said, people won't know when people are using extremes, but that is part of the RISK that the wilderness deserves to have.
If you really think it is so unfair why not just make a special animation when you are drinking extreme potions?
Also players can ask each other to quick chat their Herblore level before fights.
I think it's pretty fair to let extremes into the wilderness and think it's unfair that I am a high level who can't even use high level content as I please.
So I guess my question is, Why are you banning extremes from the wild when it can be made perfectly fair very easily?

22-Jan-2011 16:38:59

Baby Goose0

Baby Goose0

Posts: 564 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Right, firstly im extemely confused, on the first page of the answers page it says "most popular pvp untradable equipment will not vanish" most popular being: defender/firecapes/torso's right?
So why is it we're being told we are unable to run back to collect our most popular untradable pvp equipment??
Can you stop being vauge and just tell up: FIRECAPES/TORSO'S//DEFENDERS/ VOID(?) can we pick it up after death.
If not, so much for bringing back "the old wildy" :s

22-Jan-2011 16:39:00

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