Hey Jagex =)
Well ill get straight to it, ive got a few questions about the wilderness update.
1) whats going to happen with the chaos tunnels,you might move them south a bit yeh but you can still take a lot of damage just gettin there, one of the big problems with the pvp is going to be people waiting where they know lots of people want to go
2)distractions and diversions - well i understand leaving the stars because you can only really do the one a day and can wait for another, but the penguins, that might be a problem penguin clans are definatly going to have issues and havent you been trying to encourage clans? maybe moving these would be an idea?
3)clue scrolls - ok the point with these is that everyone knows where clue scrollers are going to have to go. weve all done them so therefore swarming will make it near enough impossible even with a clan of people behind you
4)Green dragons - yes i know they were around a long while before but with the updates added since some qustions arise. What about aquiring the bone for rag and bone man ? and what about slayer challenges , namely vannakas.
5)slayer tasks - this also relates to gren dragons, but thats a blatent swampign area.
6)the beacon network , well thats doomed aint it ? place for people to swarm and hide?i think so,i understand teh dangers of the wilderness but if it prevents other content for players then isnt that a little unfair?
7)jennicas ring rewards - well there gonna become impossible to achieve?
8)you say your moving quests but a lot of them have small sections that involve visitng there, e.g arrav series , goes into the wilderness but is not strictly there.
9)Mahjarrat series - a lot fo work has gone into the zarosian quests where the wilderness was his place, how can followers of said god go along with this. and also whats going to happen with ghorrock and all the ancient teleport?
I have plenty more questions but ill ask them after this one, my qustion is what are you going to do bout said issues
22-Jan-2011 15:22:25