I believe this update is beneficial but i have some questions of my own.
What will be done about corporal beast, clan wars and as a player i saw earlier had said the chaos tunnels?
How are ya'll going to work around the extremes and overloads with the wild? Because in the current pvp situations its not allowed, is that going to be changed?
Do you think, if at all possible, we can bring back the bounty hunter volcano? Because if the bank stil remains, that leaves it open for banking, but, the higher leveled monsters inside the volcano will be practically left alone because of PKers and the possible revenants.
How are the Anchient Warriors equipment going to be reincorporated?
And my last question, will the 10 second fight rule still be in order? Like if someone teleports you can still fight them for up to 10 seconds. Like if they're in Varrock, and you teleport to varrock as well, can they still be attacked?
~hunting for noon lootz~
22-Jan-2011 15:24:33