I've been playing Runescape for about 10 years now. I am a loyal, legit and dedicated player. I always had fun playing, I enjoyed skilling and talking with friends, Hanging out and battling monsters for a small chance at some great loot. Over the years, I've still enjoyed and loved playing, I've never lost interest. Until 07' and they took away free trade.. My interest in the game diminished quite a bit. I always loved and enjoyed giving people stuff, Birthdays, Christmas, or just something out of the blue to friends, because that is how I am, I was always notorious for giving things to my friends, even random people I have never met before that are in need. When jagex took that away from me, I turned into one of those players who didn't talk much to other players, and kept to myself or the friends I had before the free trade was taken from me, due to the fact that I feel bad when I cant help someone.. Thanks Jagex. Now its coming back, I'm excited to go around giving and helping and being who I am and once was, a fun talkative happy loving and generous player!
Another thing, the wilderness is coming back? Even in Runescape Classic, The wilderness was a scary place, due to PKers - I'm not a PKer but I can feel for them, it was their way of enjoying the game, and having fun, making money, but you took that away from them, just like you took away free trade and generosity from me. The wilderness is supposed to be a scary place, Revs and no Pkers make it a joke.
You took 2 of the best things away from this game, 2 of the most under appreciated things, but wow, since they we're removed, we really realized how much really miss them.
Again, Like I say the only thing I personally want back is free trading, but I would also like to see the wilderness back, as silly as it sounds, I like the fact that the wilderness is a scary place, and might soon be again.
I VOTE YES to this update, and I feel this will be the best update I've ever been around for since classic.
- Ty
28-Dec-2010 04:33:36
- Last edited on
28-Dec-2010 04:36:09
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