
Wildy/Free Trade referendum... Thread is locked

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Posts: 254 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
itseems strange that everyone who votes yes seems to think that all the no voters have joined since the old wildy was removed... Many of us (myself included) who have voted no have been arround for many years and have seen both systems.
What everyone seems to fail to realise as well is that bringing back the old wildy and free trade WILL NOT bring back the old RS. While they're probably bringing back old wildy and free trade, they wont be removing the GE and they wont be removing the current PK system. What you are voting yes for is actually a 3rd RS entirely, comprising of aspects from both 1st and 2nd RS evolutions. You're voting for a zombie.
Time will tell if this is a good thing or not, but I'm strongly against it... My primary concern is the multi-combat area's of the wild. I hate PK's who gang up on single players. 10PK's:1-3victims is cowardly. Yes, these PK's are cowardly, not brave, not strong. Just greedy cowards.
Not all PK's are cowardly. Only the PK's who don't have the manhood to fight 1:1 are.

28-Dec-2010 03:26:23

Alt F4 77

Alt F4 77

Posts: 601 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
if your going to bring back pvp in the wild why are you going to move the revenants?
why is it only the people doing clue scrolls and non pvp people that will be at risk?
leave the revs (and the risk) for everyone to take including the PVP ambushers that are going to be there

28-Dec-2010 04:05:11

T R l T O N

T R l T O N

Posts: 259 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I've been playing Runescape for about 10 years now. I am a loyal, legit and dedicated player. I always had fun playing, I enjoyed skilling and talking with friends, Hanging out and battling monsters for a small chance at some great loot. Over the years, I've still enjoyed and loved playing, I've never lost interest. Until 07' and they took away free trade.. My interest in the game diminished quite a bit. I always loved and enjoyed giving people stuff, Birthdays, Christmas, or just something out of the blue to friends, because that is how I am, I was always notorious for giving things to my friends, even random people I have never met before that are in need. When jagex took that away from me, I turned into one of those players who didn't talk much to other players, and kept to myself or the friends I had before the free trade was taken from me, due to the fact that I feel bad when I cant help someone.. Thanks Jagex. Now its coming back, I'm excited to go around giving and helping and being who I am and once was, a fun talkative happy loving and generous player!
Another thing, the wilderness is coming back? Even in Runescape Classic, The wilderness was a scary place, due to PKers - I'm not a PKer but I can feel for them, it was their way of enjoying the game, and having fun, making money, but you took that away from them, just like you took away free trade and generosity from me. The wilderness is supposed to be a scary place, Revs and no Pkers make it a joke.
You took 2 of the best things away from this game, 2 of the most under appreciated things, but wow, since they we're removed, we really realized how much really miss them.
Again, Like I say the only thing I personally want back is free trading, but I would also like to see the wilderness back, as silly as it sounds, I like the fact that the wilderness is a scary place, and might soon be again.
I VOTE YES to this update, and I feel this will be the best update I've ever been around for since classic.
- Ty

28-Dec-2010 04:33:36 - Last edited on 28-Dec-2010 04:36:09 by T R l T O N

Jan Member 2022


Posts: 24 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-I haven't voted yet-
I just want to want to know what kind of counter-measures are going to be taken place against RWT when Free Trade and Old Wildy make their comeback?
I only ask because I don't want to see, everytime I Teleport to Varrock a level 3 advertising 2m Rs gold for $2.99US. Not only is it annoying it's unproductive, I mean - it's bad enough that I saw a level 129 selling a iron mace for 218k
I am aware that it is the player's decision whether or not to buy the items being offered but this is what caused the Trade limit to be put into place because Noobs who buy get scammed and winge about it. So I would agree to Free Trade and Wildy (YAY!!) But I would like to hope that jagex helps us, the Almighty Runescape Players combat RW Traders. Reporting and Ignoring them is good, but I would like to see them gone, because it would be our job as Runescapeians to protect your fellow noob. :P

28-Dec-2010 05:28:39



Posts: 254 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Alt-F4 77:
I like this idea. We all know that rev's appear more often around large groups of players. By keeping them it will make it more difficult for the vile PK pile-ers to kill small groups of players.
Single PK's will be at the same risk as single non-PKs then, and the PKs who clan-up for safety in numbers will be at more risk of rev's due to larger numbers of players in 1 spot in the wildy.
I think keeping the rev's will keep the wildy more balanced, at least. I'm happy if rev's stay, or if they remove multi-combat areas.
This will upset the cowardly PK's that only want to fight in clans, but they have an alternative: clan wars.
Yes, they will cry because they can't get loot from clan wars, but why should they get loot without any risk?
Just like the clue scrollers need to face risks to get their rewards, so do the clan PKs... As far as I can tell the only two fair outcomes for this situation is to either:
1) Remove the rewards from clan PKing by removing the multi combat zones in the wildy, which forces them to play clan wars instead.
2) Keep revenants to give some risk to the clan PKs, which makes then earn their loot fairly.
Personally I'd prefer option 2, but I'd be happy with either outcome.
At first I was against the wildy because it'd make it too difficult to enter the wildy. But since I have givin it much more thought, I can accept it so long as it is fair to all player types. I just don't want the PKs (escpecially the clan-PK scum) to be at an unfair advantage...

28-Dec-2010 05:43:20

Matt Man8

Matt Man8

Posts: 394 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Some noob could buy gold from a website and have more stuff than me"
Boo hoo. Does it really matter what someone ELSE has? As if knowing that a lower level player has better stuff than you would actually affect your happiness in a game. It's their choice if they want to blow their actual money on something that is easily obtained. Seriously, earn 100-200k the hard way (skilling, killing monsters, PKing, whatever...) and merch til you have as much gold as you want. It's really not that difficult, and once you have a certain amount of money(5-10M) it's almost too easy to make way more. And no, you don't have to join a merching clan to do it, that would be lame, you can do it by yourself. I calculated that I could have made 10-15M a day if I merched efficiently enough but I often found myself making pures for PKing because you only need so much gold sitting in your bank.
Without going into details I'll even give you my money making "secret" that a player taught me when I was relatively poor still.
Buy LOW, sell HIGH. Think of it like a wholesale club or whatever... You can buy huge quantities of something at a reduced price, because you're buying so much at once, then sell it all in chunks for a profit per unit.
You go out and buy like 1000 feathers for 10gp each, then you turn around and sell them for 12gp each. Assuming you paid 10k for all of them then turn around and sell it all for 12k you just made 2k profit for doing basically nothing. As you make more and more money you can afford to buy more and more feathers therefor making more profit each cycle.
That's not how I made all my money but if you actually bothered to find out the price range on feathers I'd be willing to bet that you could turn 50k into 1M in a few days. It's not a scam, it's basic intelligence.

28-Dec-2010 05:59:30

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