"Thats what they see RS as... RIGHT NOW JUST CLICKING GETS YOU MONEY(thats no fun as a game is not a game when there is no interaction with community, and clicking is not a way of interaction! Most of the excitement in RS was that Pking caused people to have more interactions." THAT WAS ALL CASUED BY CLICKING! its a computer game u idiot what do u expect, telepathy- DUMB**S, THIS SHOWS YOU ARE A LITTLE KID, DO YOU KNOW ENGLISH? TRY TO COMPREHEND WHAT I SAY, WHEN I SAY "JUST CLICKING" if u actually want 2 define just clicking it means JUST CLICKING! i'm assuming u meant just clicking on the same thing, hmmmmmmmm i wonder what u do in pking, oh yeah u just CLICK on a person 2 attack them and then on the food in urinventory, i fail 2 see how thats different
"NOW, Its just majority of players have had no experience of what Pking is as they are "NEW GENERATION RS PLAYERS" and are afraid what Bringing back PKING might cause." if the majority of players want it not 2 come hen y bring it back ....... ARE YOU MAL? I SAID "NOW" AS IN PEOPLE WHO PLAY AT THE MOMENT." people who play at the moment r the people who support jagex, i fail 2 c y jagex shud consider people who dont play runescape and do absolutely nothing 4 them
"and I agree on one thing and thats removal of STAKING WAS A GREAT IDEA, because this causes alot of people to quit." nothing 2 do with wildy and free trade, ------WTF, THIS IS INCLUDED IN THE REFERENDUM, IT HAS "NOTHING 2 DO WITH U" its not like its been removed anyway its just restricted
05-Jan-2011 17:47:05