It really is a little harsh how some people say NO simply because it's doing something like "making clues harder" or "stopping me from going into the wilderness safely". Well wake up children. The wilderness is Zamorak's domain, and because of that.. what can you smell? CHAOS. It's not MEANT to be safe. That is Gielinor's LORE! So if you're there voting No and raging about PvP Wilderness returning to all worlds.. then please stop. It only FITS with Runescape's actual history and lore.
As for free trade.. less people rant about that, so I don't have much to say. But people should be well informed before they cry about something.
I heard people saying they didn't want to for a clue scroll and I laughed to myself.. I also laughed when people whined about losing the G/E.
05-Jan-2011 18:38:58