You're right, With out G.E limits prices are open to giant fluctuations.
I've been playing RS since late 2004, Back then Prices where stable because the players knew how much an item was worth & wouldn't allow themselves to be ripped off.
With the G.E limits though, Prices where easily manipulated by players with large amounts of cash, Around 2006-7 whips where 1.9-2.1m now they're 3.5m, Glorys where 30-40k now they're 70k,
You see, With the G.E normal players don't control the prices, which is unfair because then the richer players do, If the G.E limits where removed, Then merch teams/clans would find it hard to buy out all the items and merch them to a higher price.
26-Dec-2010 13:53:02