With the return of the Wilderness and Free Trade, Runescape will once again be back in the "good ol' days." Unfortunately, the Grand Exchange is what the Runescape Economy revolves around. With the removal of the upper and lower limits of the Grand Exchange it is going to be hard to know what the real prices of items are. I have played RS for eight years and I love the Grand Exchange so much more than standing in World 2 Falador for hours trying to sell a few items. With the Grand Exchange, one can sell almost anything instantly. If the upper and lower limits are removed, most GE merchants will fail, and thousands of items will crash, thus making it harder to earn money. It will also be harder to sell random items. I am voting that the 4 hour limit on the Grand Exchange be either removed, halved into two hours, or the item limit tripled.
I seriously wish to know how the new Grand Exchange will work so that I can prepare for it.
I am super excited about everything the update has in store for RS except the removal of the GE upper and lower limits. If anything the upper and lower limits could be changed from 5% to 10% or even 20%. I think removing the limit would cause a lot of stress for players and I would really like to see the limits stay.
TLDR; Keep the Grand Exchange's upper and lower limits.
25-Dec-2010 19:04:51