I am at least somewhat better satisfied by this poll.. the first produced absolutely *nothing* that can be relied upon, however.. And it troubles me that Jagex seems to fail to see that. All they did was heavily advertise a "vote" that could be easily defrauded, and was, extensively.. When 4chan discusses showing up and casting fake votes just for grins, you know you have a problem...
At any rate..This new one is better, at the least.
I am personally *not* in favor of returning the wilderness to its former state.. I do not pk, I do not like pk, and I certainly do not like things which encourage the malfeasance and misanthropic behavior of a certain percentage of the pk community to be inflicted across the entirety of runescape servers.
That I face a degree of danger is fine. That I do so as a means for Jagex to reward a certain percentage of the playerbase for cretinous and dishonorable behavior is quite another matter.
As far as Free Trade goes.. I'm of mixed opinion.
Considering the extent of botting that I see on RS currently, and the fact that I concretely *know* of cases where people have been temp-banned for botting erroneously... I am seriously skeptical that Jagex has anywhere near the resources or technical capacity to truly contain the escalation that will inevitably result from the proposed changes..
On the other hand, an uncapped GE is a very good thing, as is the ability to exchange whatever I wish with my friends under whatever terms I desire. I happen to like giving presents, and it will improve collaboration.
I would like a third stage of vote to separate the two issues, so we can see where the interest really lies, and to what extent.
24-Dec-2010 18:11:39