Thanks mate. Myself and a friend are in the process of making a guide to avoid losing money to PK's, and how to avoid merching scams. I'll post the quick find code once we have it all ready and posted ;D.
@matt man8:
This is called "flipping". Google the term for guides on how to maximise your success on RS with flipping. But remember that these guides will be obsolite after free trade comes unless they're updated.
@guthan XIII:
Yes, I made a generalisation, I'm sorry. I should have said that it appears many of the yes voters think the no voters are players who started post 07 wildy update.
Also, if you follow this thread back to when I first started posting you will see that I think it is bad because it will slant the wildy unfairly towards PK-clans in the multi-combat area's, and it will destabilise the RS economy.
@alt-f4 77:
Yes it certainly seems that way, and while some of us think it is a shame that some players need to make other players sad in order for them to enjoy the game, we just have to accept that this is the mentality of 90% of the players who voted.
Rather than trying to take the moral high ground over PKs as I originally did, we should accept that their views are different from our own, and try to find ways of making the game fair to all.
There is a great quote for this situation "A successful compromise leaves everyone unhappy". lol.
@hersir sah:
It seems to me that you enjoy playing RS by making other's sad and profiting from their hard work. This leads me to the conclusion that you want this update to happen because it will make it easier for you get more money with less effort; or because you have a need to validate your own self worth by convincing yourself that your better than everyone else, which you will prove through the use of your brawn, instead of your brain.
28-Dec-2010 08:24:44