
Wildy/Free Trade referendum... Thread is locked

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Nov Member 2004


Posts: 90 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Just wondering, for those who dont want to go back for PKing, can't Jagex make 10 worlds without PKing?
Then I guess I'd have no complaints, I'll just keep to my world. They can keep to the rest of RS.
I don't think I'm asking too much. Just like my way of playing...
I think to fight against bringing back wildy is a bit pointless, as there are many who wish it back... and we should give it to them.
But hear those of us who are just not interested in Pking and worse, being PKed uninvited - just give us 10 worlds where we can remain as is.
Shouldn't be that difficult right? Since you have Bounty worlds, you can easily have non-PK worlds, just for the skillers...
C'mon Jagex, make it so...

28-Dec-2010 11:43:30 - Last edited on 28-Dec-2010 11:43:54 by emybaba

Nov Member 2004


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if bounty is only dangerous in a few worlds, why not have safety in a few worlds?
what's not funny? I respect your urge to kill. I think it'll be very funny.
Deep down, I think its only fair that those who are not into PKing (or just so bad at it - like me) should not be forced into it.
I've bled enough being killed and losing stuff during quests, or just making runes to know that many PKer just get thrilled from killing those who can't defend themselves.
So a few safe world is really good news for me :-)
Anyways, we'll wait and see the outcome. Maybe i just have to forgo all wildy activities then, i suppose.
Funny thing is, i don't mind being killed by revs, just don't like being Pk-ed. Does that seem strange to you?

28-Dec-2010 12:06:09 - Last edited on 28-Dec-2010 12:14:08 by emybaba



Posts: 4 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
OMG!! IS IT TRUE?!?! Old rs is comming back?! Its so amazing! cuz i quit the same day they removed wild and free trade, cuz game then were like single player.. i joined this game only for pking! Omg i can't wait to start playing here again! Me and 100k+ other players + ZEZIMA just waiting for the day it will come, and will join to their old dusty accounts and wil ALIVE again! THANK YOU JAGEX!!!

28-Dec-2010 12:07:33 - Last edited on 28-Dec-2010 12:08:52 by sietevas

Grope My Ass
Sep Member 2023

Grope My Ass

Posts: 14 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jagex, I think you should make you ready for the big update, as you can see like 90% of all runescape wants the wildy back and they dont want the trade limit to . It would be stupid if you do NOT this update and do what only 8% of runescape players want.
I also voted for yes because I play this game for 8 years and the old days were much nicer and I think the players that started after 2008 will vote No because they dont know how fun the old days were.

28-Dec-2010 12:09:55



Posts: 639 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Finally. I loved the old days of the wilderness; Loved the masive clan wars fought there and pking all the rune ore botters; Loved all the private drop parties with friends and clan mates; Loved dishing out iron and steel armor sets to newbies and being able to truly help out new players. Yes there are a few problems with the old ways but they were also so much better than what we have now. Clue scrolls are meant to be hard and part of that is expecting to be pked and preparing for it. As for green dragon killing there are many other ways to train and make money than that so if you dont want to be pked I suggest finding another way, that is what the pkers of old had to do when everything changed in the first place. As for scammers, RWTers, and other such trash the only solution is to be savvy and not succumb to their ilk. Stronghold of security was put in place for a reason and new players should be aware of those pitfalls early on. Prices on rare items will once again skyrocket, thats obvious, but thats how things should work. Now im not condoning hiking up prices just to make a quick buck but you should be able to buy/sell for whatever you want. Thats the essence of free trade as it has always been and its a little taste of the real world that people should be exposed to. As it stands this is one of the best descisions that Jagex will ever have made in their career and if it does come through I know that a masive amount of players who remember the 13 hour clan wars amongst the high tier clans; who felt the rush of running around someones house for an item; who was selfless in their attempt at helping out new players just off the newbie boat with shiny new armor; those player who quit when these things were no more shall return enmass to play and kill and enjoy this game we call Runescape!

28-Dec-2010 12:35:24

Sep Member 2023


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To be honest, the old wilderness was so big you were unlikely to find a PKer anyway. The wilderness was made smaller and pvp and bounty worlds were introduced for PKers so they would always have someone to kill. Now if the old wildy WAS introduced, you wouldn't have to worry about PKers, as they would have a unofficial PKing world, while all the other players could carry on as normal.
With the free trade limit, I think it SHOULD be removed as then friends can give gifts. However I think GE limits should not be removed as they keep the balance between items, i.e a santa hat becoming worthless, while a godsword could be sold for 200M. Selling and buying items would become very difficult as there would be such a big price range.
~Q1 :) 1~

28-Dec-2010 12:36:47



Posts: 34 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I agree with Emybaba, I have no interest at all in PKing, but there are certain creatures I can find and battle only in the wilderness, and some that I can only find reasonably in the wilderness.
I guarantee that many players will avoid the wild like the plague if it is reintroduced without significant changes.

28-Dec-2010 12:56:48



Posts: 639 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Emybaba, the wilderness is called the wilderness because well... its WILD. Its not meant to be tame and just take a stroll through with no problems. Its meant to get your blood rushing trying to prepare for the pker around the corner. I can understand your frustration though but anything worth doing has a cost attached to it and if what your seeking is traversing the wilderness then your cost is possibly being killed. Plain and simple.

28-Dec-2010 13:10:51

Nov Member 2004


Posts: 90 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thank you Seph Storm.
I think that there should be different strokes for different folks. Some like PK-ing. I really can respect them, well, a little less for those who prey on the unarmed, for the sake of killing...
But i recognise that Jagex has come so far to be able to make any changes it wants to, to make worlds with different rules - I just can't seem to understand why they can't make a world where the wildy has revenants, to keep the danger factor.
From a beliefs perspective, I'd rather if I don't kill another player, or the alternatively, not encourage another player to kill me.
So please Jagex, fair is fair, give us what we want, and we want to be left alone, alive. Keep the revs, just give us 10 worlds Pker free.
I know you listen to your players, please also listen to your smaller stakeholders too.

28-Dec-2010 13:11:29

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