
Wildy/Free Trade referendum... Thread is locked

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Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
helo, i voted yes.but i just want the ep system to be gone in pking, and not the old wildy because i have to wait so long for my ep to go up before i start to fight some1 in pking and 100 to 0 ep isnt really difficult and long, therefore this increases the risk of death while im eping.
i want to ask whether if u still get something like god statue or vesta and stuff in old wildy ?
also i do not mind about the free trade because i usually use the ge.
plz comment this...

27-Dec-2010 14:38:52



Posts: 271 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If pking comes back to the wildy and the revs go, then lol, lol, lol the wildy will be easier and pk loot will be lower than now.
Now if I want to hunt penguins, do clues or light beacons, I have to prepare for revs, because they attack anything regardless of whether you are carrying any tradeable wealth. If the old wildy comes back, well I can armour up with untradeables and the pker gets nothing.
Explorer ring, seers headband, falador shield, fremmick boots, varrock armour, Excalibur (enchanted better but doesn’t have to be), zannicks crossbow, skill cape – if I get pked I can get it all back cheaply, the pker will get nothing. It wont take long to get my dragon defender back, as long as I still have a rune defender in the bank. Go get your defenders people :) Suggestions please of more untradeables, quest rewards I can take and not risk because I can talk to NPC and get them back – lol.
I can take extreme pots and the pker cannot take them. Clues are not tradeable – don’t open them or read them in the wildy – the pker gets nothing.
IN effect I will be risking very little except my time to get items back. But if it is obvious I am only wearing untradeables will the pker risk taking me on? Could I use korassis sword on him and turn the tables?
Let us have an anti-pk clan, a bit like the anti pk team in sc. We can build a strategy to advise all players who have to enter the wildy how not to risk their stuff. Pkers will be easier than revs, because revs attack regardless. Let us turn the tables and deprive the pking bullies of their unjust rewards.
Supporting Pking bullies is the wrong message to send to the community Jagex. I’m disappointed in you. But we can make sure if they mug us they get nothing of value and over time, once the lesson is learned they will be far less risk than the revs are now.
Oh now the pkers will get less reward than they do now, then they start crying for the new old wildy back lol lol lol.
:) :) :)

27-Dec-2010 14:56:48

Jan Member 2021


Posts: 4,118 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I quit for something like a year or so when the changes were taken away but I'm hesitant to vote on this. I guess after all these years this looks like it could potentially be a huge disaster of unintended consequences.
There are still bots running around and in the past there was difficulty discerning honest traders with RWT. I just can't believe that suddenly the tech is available that can detect this accurately when all restrictions are removed. I see many people being unfairly punished.
I really like the idea of PVP worlds. It *would* really make the game fun for higher levels *if* the attack versus defence potency weren't so out of balance. As it is, anyone on a PVP server is dead meat with the attack gear we have now.
I'll have to think about my vote for a while but it really seems to me that Jagex has already made up their mind anyway. I've played long enough to know that rarely does Jagex change something because of the players wishes.
I guess we'll see....

27-Dec-2010 15:00:54



Posts: 271 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If pking comes back to the wildy and the revs go, then lol, lol, lol the wildy will be easier and pk loot will be lower than now.
Now if I want to hunt penguins, do clues or light beacons, I have to prepare for revs, because they attack anything regardless of whether you are carrying any tradeable wealth. If the old wildy comes back, well I can armour up with untradeables and the pker gets nothing.
Explorer ring, seers headband, falador shield, fremmick boots, varrock armour, Excalibur (enchanted better but doesn’t have to be), zannicks crossbow, skill cape – if I get pked I can get it all back cheaply, the pker will get nothing. It wont take long to get my dragon defender back, as long as I still have a rune defender in the bank. Go get your defenders people .
Suggestions please of more untradeables, quest rewards I can take and not risk because I can talk to NPC and get them back – lol.
I can take extreme pots and the pker cannot take them. Clues are not tradeable – don’t open them or read them in the wildy – the pker gets nothing.
IN effect I will be risking very little except my time to get items back. But if it is obvious I am only wearing untradeables will the pker risk taking me on? Could I use korassis sword on him and turn the tables?
Let us have an anti-pk clan, a bit like the anti pk team in sc. We can build a strategy to advise all players who have to enter the wildy how not to risk their stuff. Pkers will be easier than revs, because revs attack regardless. Let us turn the tables and deprive the pking bullies of their unjust rewards.
Supporting Pking bullies is the wrong message to send to the community Jagex. I’m disappointed in you. But we can make sure if they mug us they get nothing of value and over time, once the lesson is learned they will be far less risk than the revs are now.
Oh now the pkers will get less reward than they do now, then they start crying for the new old wildy back lol lol lol.
:) ;) :P :D

27-Dec-2010 15:01:11

Jan Member 2021


Posts: 4,118 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
While I like the PVP worlds, I do think this strange EP system and all its complicated mess should go. The best thing about the old wild was that you got what they dropped and that is how it should be.

27-Dec-2010 15:03:32

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