Well, I woted because I liked the old Wilderness. Now when I read the referendum, Im not so intressed anymore. But anyway, I will wote NO!
Best regards: Ed War D.
Im Just Saying That I Saw Lots Of People Saying That Jagex If They Don't do this update they will quit Runescape But if they do it well probably that People who quited beofre For these Reason.. Well they will maybe give a new try login and see its better now and runescape gonna have more players
Vote Yeeeeeeeeeeeees
Reflix & Virus
ED WAR D your a loser, get off our game kid. regardless of if you voted no, you're still a minority. jagex should honestly look at the date accounts were created, you annoying new players/skillers dont deserve a say. because you DONT and never will understand what runescape was like before all this. of course the way things are now, seem good because its all YOU KNOW. get lost...
25-Dec-2010 18:18:49
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25-Dec-2010 18:19:10
A B R A 1991
The only thing I liked was the old Wilderness. But I like the present trading system and Grand Exchange. It is like real life economical system, with prices going up and down. Its fun. But if I could wote for each other, I would wote like this:
Wilderness: Yes!
Free trade: NO!
Best regards: Ed War D.
i voted yes on all my accounts, but 1 question will summoning go back to things like 52+3 cuz my pking account got summoning and if it stays the level, its ruined and i have to make a new account..
free trade, no? why? thats how runescape was all the way til 2007 and if you were even around before then and played it without a complaint, whats so different now other than the fact we've been without it for 3 yrs and are finally getting it back? the fact other players are lucky enough to receive free stuff from friends and your not shouldnt make you want to vote 'no'. if thats not the reason, what is? your whole economical bs is a joke. its a game, its staying a game keep economics for real life. you're annoying just like the other 8% that voted no.
25-Dec-2010 18:22:29
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25-Dec-2010 18:23:20
A B R A 1991
I have some opinions here that some of you may agree on and some questions.
Make servers in place of the removal of the pk worlds that allow people to go if they have to do a quest or clue scroll that involves the person to go into the wildy. So they know they are safer and protected from other people(s).
Will the trade warning still be effective as to if the trade is modified? This will still help prevent from being ripped off.
Doing this in my point of view will give hackers a good incentive on stealing other players accounts and taking all the items off the account.
But what I'm trying to point at is, don't just do everything for the majority, give something to the minority to look forward to.
25-Dec-2010 18:22:42
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25-Dec-2010 18:38:03
Excuse me! My account is level 81 soon 82. This is my 5th account because my others have been stolen. I have been playing RS when I was 11 years old. Now Im 16! Beat that!
I remember when everyone said that Full Rune armour costs 200k while it costs 150-190k. The new one is better!
Best regards: Ed War D.