To all the people saying "it will make clues harder and that we use the abyss and we might get killed!"
Back when the wilderness WAS dangerous, you HAD to put up with it, it gave the game an element of danger and insecurity which I really think it has lost.
In light of recent changes Jagex have made it too easy to survive in the wilderness, if you get a level 3 clue scroll, you might get an item that is AMAZING why not make a player have a challenge completing it?
Also, there will still be empty worlds to go do your clues or runecraft, so don't worry about it.
I welcome the change to the wilderness, finally we can have some more of a challenge injected back into the game.
Not sure about the free trade yet, merchanting has to stop. And to the guy on the first page, that was claiming that he was a 9/10 year player, in the old days, even the highest level items still had set prices, if you were charging way over the odds, you'd NEVER sell the item. If you charge way low, then people will just buy it and you'll loose out.
Your just gonna have to use common sense (checking what the going rate for an item is on the forums for example) before buying / selling.
27-Dec-2010 14:10:06